Ralph Lee Woodward

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

Here and There in Mexico

The Travel Writings of Mary Ashley Townsend

University of Alabama Press

Mary Ashley Townsend was a novelist, newspaper columnist, and poet laureate of New Orleans who made several trips to Mexico with her daughter Cora during the last two decades of the 19th century. She collected her impressions of many aspects of life in that country—flora, fauna, architecture, people at work and play, fashion, society, food—and wrote about them during a time when few women engaged in solo travel, much less the pursuit of travel writing. Here and There in Mexico will make new contribution to the field of Latin American studies and to the travel literature genre, both as a primary source for historians and as a well-written account of a southern woman’s impressions of Mexico during a crucial period in that country’s development.

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The Foreign and Domestic Dimensions of Modern Warfare

Vietnam, Central America, and Nuclear Strategy

University of Alabama Press

An exploration of the nuclear arms race and the dangers arising with the advent of “limited warfare

  • Copyright year: 1988
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