What Could a University Be?
Revolutionary Ideas for the Future
What Could a University Be? identifies new ideas that can help refocus the university on educating its students and having a greater positive impact in society.
Make’em Write!
The No-Mess Way to Extract a Dissertation from a Grad Student’s Brain
Reading the Room
Lessons on Pedagogy and Curriculum from the Gender and Sexuality Studies Classroom
Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers
Gender Inequality in the Canadian Academy
Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers amasses vital, data-driven research that both corroborates enduring accounts of inequality for women academics and offers pathways toward substantive policy change.
The Deliberate Doctorate
A Values-Focused Journey to your PhD
The Deliberate Doctorate shows postgraduate students how their PhD journey can be driven by purpose when it is grounded in their core values and aligned with their future plans.
The Successful TA
A Practical Approach to Effective Teaching
Feel confident stepping into your role as a TA with help from this short, practical guide, which demystifies everything from how to interact with course instructors to giving students feedback on their work.
You @ the U
A Guided Tour through Your First Year of University
In this essential guide, university counsellor Janet Miller draws on her wit, wisdom, and decades of experience to help first-time students – of whatever age – prep for and survive their first year of university.
The Finest Blend
Graduate Education in Canada
As Canadian universities work to increase access to graduate education, many are adopting blended modes of delivery for courses and programs. This book provides a comprehensive overview of current practices and opportunities for blended learning success.
It’s All Good (Unless It’s Not)
Mental Health Tips and Self-Care Strategies for Your Undergrad Years
It’s All Good (Unless It’s Not) explores frequent sources of undergraduate mental distress and the steps students can take to meet those challenges head-on.
Postsecondary Education in British Columbia
Public Policy and Structural Development, 1960–2015
Postsecondary Education in British Columbia is a thoughtful critical analysis of the role of social justice, human capital, and the market in the development of institutions and public policy in BC education since 1960.
The Equity Myth
Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities
Challenging the myth of equity in higher education, this is the first comprehensive, data-based study of racialized and Indigenous faculty members’ experiences in Canadian universities.
Learning and Teaching Together
Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Education
An inspirational account of how a group of pre-service teachers, working alongside Indigenous wisdom keepers in British Columbia, developed an indigenist approach to education that can be applied in a wide variety of classrooms.
How to Succeed at University (and Get a Great Job!)
Mastering the Critical Skills You Need for School, Work, and Life
This practical, easy-to-read guide shows you how to master the critical skills needed for school, work, and life.