Showing 1-15 of 34 items.

John Hart

A Businessman in British Columbia Politics

UBC Press
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The New Politics of Western Canada

Contested Histories, Uncertain Futures

UBC Press

The New Politics of Western Canada examines the identity of “the West,” its contested political ideologies, and current economic and policy concerns to anticipate the challenges that lie ahead.

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The Challenges of a Secular Quebec

Bill 21 in Perspective

Edited by Lucia Ferretti and François Rocher; Translated by George Tombs
UBC Press

The Challenges of a Secular Quebec opens up the debates that gave rise to a controversial law on state religious neutrality, taking an open-minded look at how secularism is understood and how it has imposed itself in the Quebec social space.

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A Sales Tax for Alberta

Why and How

Edited by Robert L. Ascah
Athabasca University Press

In this collection, Alberta scholars and policy experts map out why and how a provincial sales tax should and can be implemented as the days of buoyant capital investment, jobs, and wealth are passing Alberta by.

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La Charte / The Charter

La loi 101 et les Québécois d'expression anglaise / Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec

Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Laval University Press
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Big Promises, Small Government

Doing Less with Less in the BC Liberal New Era

UBC Press

Big Promises, Small Government tells the inside story of what happened when Gordon Campbell’s government dramatically cut taxes, demonstrating the need to understand the consequences before taking political action.

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Made in Nunavut

An Experiment in Decentralized Government

UBC Press

Made in Nunavut provides a definitive account of how an innovative government was designed and implemented in Canada’s Eastern and Central Artic.

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Fighting for Votes

Parties, the Media, and Voters in an Ontario Election

UBC Press

This book shines a light on how parties, the media, and voters interacted during a recent Ontario election, providing one of the most complete accounts of a provincial election available.

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Boundless Optimism

Richard McBride's British Columbia

UBC Press

Boundless Optimism is the definitive biography of Premier Richard McBride and a revealing portrait of British Columbia during a time of great volatility and great expectations.

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Brokering Access

Power, Politics, and Freedom of Information Process in Canada

Edited by Mike Larsen and Kevin Walby
UBC Press

Drawing together the perspectives of social scientists, journalists, and ATI advocates, Brokering Access explores the policies and practices surrounding access to information in Canada, highlighting the struggle between the public’s desire for transparency and the government’s culture of secrecy.

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Blue-Green Province

The Environment and the Political Economy of Ontario

UBC Press

Blue-Green Province provides the first comprehensive study of environmental policy in Ontario and explores what lessons on the future of environmental and economic policy in Canada might be learned from this province’s experience.

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Grassroots Liberals

Organizing for Local and National Politics

UBC Press

By linking the grassroots activism of the constituencies with the federal and provincial Liberal parties, this book challenges the idea that Canada has two distinct political spheres – the provincial and the national.

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Code Politics

Campaigns and Cultures on the Canadian Prairies

UBC Press

This book unravels the paradox of the Canadian prairies by explaining how the region’s three provinces developed such distinct political cultures.

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Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors

Revitalizing Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth Traditions

UBC Press

Following the revival of the gray whale hunt by the Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth tribes in the Pacific Northwest, this books looks at the significance of whaling to these societies, exploring environmentalism, animal rights, and what it means to be “Indian.”

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Quebec Women and Legislative Representation

By Manon Tremblay; Translated by Käthe Roth
UBC Press

This book examines the under-representation of Quebec women in Quebec’s National Assembly and in Canada’s House of Commons and Senate from 1791 to the present.

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