Showing 1-15 of 23 items.

The New Politics of Western Canada

Contested Histories, Uncertain Futures

UBC Press

The New Politics of Western Canada examines the identity of “the West,” its contested political ideologies, and current economic and policy concerns to anticipate the challenges that lie ahead.

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Governing Canada

A Guide to the Tradecraft of Politics

UBC Press, On Point Press

Michael Wernick, a career public servant with decades of experience in the highest government offices, shares tips, insider knowledge, and essential advice in this first-ever practical handbook on what it takes to govern Canada.

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Opening the Government of Canada

The Federal Bureaucracy in the Digital Age

UBC Press

Opening the Government of Canada provides a vivid and compelling account of the central challenge facing governments in the digital age: abandoning their “Closed Government” traditions to become more open, networked, and collaborative.

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Representation in Action

Canadian MPs in the Constituencies

UBC Press

Drawing on intensive observation of Canadian Members of Parliament in their constituencies, Representation in Action compellingly describes and accounts for the different ways MPs act as representatives of their constituents.

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The Canadian Party System

An Analytic History

UBC Press

In this long-awaited book, Richard Johnston combines an arsenal of recently developed analytic tools with a deep understanding of history to makes sense of the Canadian party system.

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Big Tent Politics

The Liberal Party’s Long Mastery of Canada’s Public Life

UBC Press

How did Canada’s Liberal Party become one of the most successful parties in the democratic world? Will it be able to reinvent itself for the twenty-first century?

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Code Politics

Campaigns and Cultures on the Canadian Prairies

UBC Press

This book unravels the paradox of the Canadian prairies by explaining how the region’s three provinces developed such distinct political cultures.

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Quebec Women and Legislative Representation

By Manon Tremblay; Translated by Käthe Roth
UBC Press

This book examines the under-representation of Quebec women in Quebec’s National Assembly and in Canada’s House of Commons and Senate from 1791 to the present.

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Language Matters

How Canadian Voluntary Associations Manage French and English

UBC Press

Canadian voluntary associations have proven that they can effectively manage bilingualism -- this book shows how and why.

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Rethinking Political Culture

UBC Press

Original and provocative, Nunavut explores political attitudes, behaviour, and institutions in Nunavut before, during, and after the creation of the new territory, challenging our understandings of how political cultures are generated and sustained.

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In Search of Canadian Political Culture

UBC Press

The most thorough review of the national political ethos written in a generation, In Search of Canadian Political Culture offers a bottom-up, regional analysis that challenges how we think and write about Canada. It will interest specialists in Canadian political culture and generalists in Canadian politics.

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Good Government? Good Citizens?

Courts, Politics, and Markets in a Changing Canada

UBC Press

Examining the altered roles of courts, politics, and markets over the last two decades, this book explores the evolving concept of the citizen in Canada at the beginning of this century.

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Communication Technology

UBC Press

Darin Barney takes a piercing, nuanced look at how communication technologies are changing democratic life in Canada, and whether technological mediation of political communication has an effect on political practice.

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The Big Red Machine

How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics

UBC Press

Stephen Clarkson, one of Canada’s most respected political analysts, tells the engaging history of Canada’s leading political party, an insightful case study in Canadian political campaigning, and an ideal primer for the next federal election.

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Multicultural Nationalism

Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community

UBC Press

Canada's national question is self-defeating: attempts to constitute a Canadian political community generate polarizing and depoliticizing deliberations.

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