The Thin Edge of Innovation
Metro Vancouver’s Evolving Economy
The Thin Edge of Innovation charts the origins, potential, and pitfalls of Metro Vancouver’s entrepreneur-led innovation economy, including the tremendous growth of high-tech, apparel, and consumer-oriented life-style businesses in the city.
Broken City
Land Speculation, Inequality, and Urban Crisis
Broken City argues that skyrocketing urban land prices drive our global housing market failure – so, how did we get here, and what can be done about it?
Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships
Nehiyawak Narratives
Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships investigates Indigenous economic theories and relationships through the lenses of settler colonial exploitation and Indigenous resurgence.
Regime of Obstruction
How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy
Rapidly rising carbon emissions from the intense development of Western Canada's fossil fuels continue to aggravate the global climate emergency and destabilize democratic structures. This book provides essential context to the climate crisis and will transform discussions of energy democracy.
Environmental Policy in Canada's Petro-Provinces
Fossilized reveals how Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador – blinded by exceptional economic growth from 2005 to 2015 – undermined environmental policies to intensify ecologically detrimental extreme oil extraction.
The Political Economy of Resource Regulation
An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015
This is the first global survey of how natural resources have been regulated in the modern world.
Grey Zones in International Economic Law and Global Governance
Grey Zones in International Economic Law and Global Governance examines contested zones of global governance to understand state policy and market behaviour in the current era.
The Deindustrialized World
Confronting Ruination in Postindustrial Places
The Deindustrialized World opens a window on the experiences of those living at ground zero of deindustrialization and examines confrontations with the ruination of people and places on a global scale.
The Moral Economies of Ethnic and Nationalist Claims
Leading scholars investigate the complex role that competing moral economies play in ethnic and nationalist conflicts.
Resource Communities in a Globalizing Region
Development, Agency, and Contestation in Northern British Columbia
This book explores how the peoples and communities of northern British Columbia are responding to global demand for local resources.
Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada
This is a much needed critical assessment of the political peculiarities of Alberta and the impact the government’s relationship to the oil industry has on the lives of the province’s most vulnerable citizens.
Aluminum Ore
The Political Economy of the Global Bauxite Industry
An exploration of one little-known mineral, and the social, political, and economic forces that shaped both its history and the twentieth century.
Action and Reaction in the World System
The Dynamics of Economic and Political Power
This book provides a multidisciplinary framework to understand the complexities of the post-Soviet international system, a system that is multipolar, ideologically heterogeneous, and highly unstable.
Investing in Place
Economic Renewal in Northern British Columbia
A compelling exploration of place-based development as a timely, pragmatic approach to renewing rural and small-town economies in northern British Columbia.
Two Mediterranean Worlds
Diverging Paths of Globalization and Autonomy
The Mediterranean, a region of uneven globalization, offers clues to understanding the future of democracy in North Africa and the Near East.
Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care
This volume addresses the theoretical and practical relationships among the feminization of migrant labour, the ethics of care, and social policy in the new global economy.
Moving Mountains
Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam, and Laos
This collection argues that minorities in the Southeast Asian Massif are not powerless in the face of economic and political change in the region – they are drawing on ethnicity and culture to indigenize modernity and maintain their livelihoods.
Social Capital, Diversity, and the Welfare State
This book represents a landmark consideration of the diverse meanings, causal foundations, and positive and negative consequences of social capital, with a particular focus on its role in mitigating or enhancing social inequalities.
Dimensions of Inequality in Canada
Is Canada becoming a more polarized society? Or is it a kind-hearted nation that takes care of its disadvantaged?