Showing 1-10 of 22 items.

What Could a University Be?

Revolutionary Ideas for the Future

UBC Press, On Campus

What Could a University Be? identifies new ideas that can help refocus the university on educating its students and having a greater positive impact in society.

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Assisted Suicide in Canada

Moral, Legal, and Policy Considerations

UBC Press

Assisted Suicide in Canada provides an accessible, up-to-date introduction to this vitally important topic of ongoing public debate.

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Creating Criminals

UBC Press

This interdisciplinary collection challenges conventional views on crime and criminals, examining how ideas and rituals of criminal accusation produce both accusers and accused.

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White Moon on the Mountain Peak

The Alchemical Firing Process of Nei Dan

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

Damo Mitchell explains the practice of Nei Dan in a way that is comprehensible for practitioners in the West. It contains full guidance for practice, explanations of the underlying theory, and literal descriptions of the tangible results to be expected at each stage of practice.

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Mind, Body, World

Foundations of Cognitive Science

Athabasca University Press
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The Undiscovered Country

Essays in Canadian Intellectual Culture

Athabasca University Press
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Principles of Tibetan Medicine

Revised Edition

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon

This concise introduction presents all the essential information on 'gSo-ba-Rig-pa', or Tibetan medicine, from basic theoretical principles and history to methods of diagnosis and treatments.

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An Ethic of Mutual Respect

The Covenant Chain and Aboriginal-Crown Relations

UBC Press

This book holds up the Covenant Chain, the historical treaty relationship between the British Crown and indigenous people in North America, as a model for building an ethic of mutual respect to guide modern treaty disputes and land claims.

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