Peter Benson

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Mayas in Postwar Guatemala

Harvest of Violence Revisited

University of Alabama Press
  • Copyright year: 2009
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Positive Youth Development and Spirituality

From Theory to Research

Templeton Press

Bringing together a never-before-assembled network of biologists, psychologists, and sociologists, Positive Youth Development and Spirituality scientifically examines how spirituality and its cultivation may affect the positive development of adolescents.

  • Copyright year: 2008
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Awakening Your Potential to Create a Better World

Templeton Press

According to Peter L. Benson, the capacity to generate vision is among life's most beautiful and unheralded gifts. To him, a vision is more than just a goal, more than just a dream of what could be—it is a summons, a pull towards the future, an inspired call to make real that which should be. In Vision: Awakening Your Potential to Create a Better World, Benson takes readers on an uplifting exploration of this powerful concept.

  • Copyright year: 2009
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