Patrick C. Pietroni
Professor Patrick C. Pietroni, DSc (Hon), FRCP, FRCGP, MFPH, lives in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK—the birthplace of Charles Darwin—as well as in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he is currently the director of the Centre for the Study of Compassion at the University of New Mexico. Pietroni has published several books and numerous academic articles. He was the founder and editor of the Journal of Interprofessional Care, the International Journal of Cuban Studies, and the Journal of Psychological Therapies in Primary Care.
Poetry of Healthcare and Compassion
This eighth volume by Professor Pietroni focuses on why the concept of compassion is so important in our health-care system and what can be done to restore its centrality in the doctor/patient encounter.
- Copyright year: 2021
Poetry of Economics, Politics and Compassion
In this volume Professor Pietroni explores the poetry of economics and politics using the metaphor of the Greek god Atlas, who carries Earth on his shoulders as punishment for being unhospitable to Perseus.
- Copyright year: 2021
Poetry of Leadership and Compassion
This final volume in Professor Pietroni's impressive collection explores the concept of leadership. In developing its theme, the book introduces the myth of the great leader and details the attributes of the compassionate leader.
- Copyright year: 2021
The Poetry of Compassion
This slender volume offers the reader a poetic entrance into or reintroduction to the recognition and practice of compassion on all levels: to humans, to the largest or smallest of the animal kingdom, and to our beloved Earth.
- Copyright year: 2019