Nutrition and Health Teacher Resource
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Release Date:23 Aug 2013

Nutrition and Health Teacher Resource

UBC Press, Pacific Educational Press

Approved for Ontario’s Trillium List*

Nutrition and Health Teacher Resource provides everything you need to plan, teach and assess in one comprehensive resource.


  • curriculum correlations;
  • guiding principles and instructional strategies;
  • considerations for health and safety;
  • chapter planning charts;
  • planning tools and suggestions for teaching combined grades and courses.


  • complete lesson plans and answer keys;
  • suggestions for incorporating technology into the classroom;
  • 200 modifiable activity and assessment masters in Word and PDF format;
  • suggestions to differentiate instruction and personalize learning, including tips to simplify or add challenge to an activity.


  • assessment opportunities identified in each lesson;
  • cumulative project provides an opportunity for students to apply their research and inquiry skills;
  • modifiable assessment masters in Word and PDF format, including rubrics and unit tests.

*The Trillium List

The Trillium List contains the titles of those textbooks approved by the Minister of Education for use in Ontario schools. The textbooks named on the Trillium List have been subjected to a rigorous evaluation in accordance with the criteria specified in the policy document Guidelines for Approval of Textbooks.


Safety and Food Preparation in the Kitchen

Part 1: Nutrition and Wellness

1 Nutrients and Health

2 Focus on Food Guides

3 Finding Energy Balance

4 Understanding Nutritional Status

Part 2: Healthy Eating for Life

5 Nutrition through the Lifespan

6 Thinking about Food Trends

7 Diet and Disease

Part 3: Feeding Canada and the World

8 Food Production and Supply

9 Food Security

10 Towards a Sustainable Food Supply

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