Mobile Learning
Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training
technology for various distance learning applications. Readers will
discover how to design learning materials for delivery on mobile
technology and become familiar with the best practices of other
educators, trainers, and researchers in the field, as well as the most
recent initiatives in mobile learning research. Businesses and
governments can learn how to deliver timely information to staff using
mobile devices. Professors can use this book as a textbook for courses
on distance education, mobile learning, and educational technology.
We can only transform our world through education, but many can not be reached through conventional means. Mobile learning is bringing enormous opportunity where previously there was little. Ally travels the world tirelessly investigating, absorbing, and prescribing best practices for this new field. His work is transformative for education in many countries.
PART ONE: Advances in Mobile Learning
Chapter 1
Current State of Mobile Learning / John Traxler
Chapter 2
A Model for Framing Mobile Learning / Marguerite L.Koole
PART TWO: Research on Mobile Learning
Chapter 3
Mobile Distance Learning with PDAs: Development and Testing ofPedagogical and System Solutions Supporting Mobile Distance Learners /Torstein Rekkedal and Aleksander Dye
Chapter 4
Using Mobile Learning to Enhance the Quality of Nursing PracticeEducation / Richard F. Kenny, Caroline Park, Jocelyne M. C. VanNeste-Kenny, Pamela A. Burton, and Jan Meiers
Chapter 5
Informal Learning Evidence in Online Communities of Mobile DeviceEnthusiasts / Gill Clough, Ann C. Jones, Patrick McAndrew, andEileen Scanlon
Chapter 6
M-learning: Positioning Educators for a Mobile, Connected Future /Kristine Peters
PART THREE: Applications of Mobile Learning
Chapter 7
Practitioners as Innovators: Emergent Practice in Personal MobileTeaching, Learning, Work, and Leisure / Agnes Kukulska-Hulme andJohn Pettit
Chapter 8
Design and Development of Multimedia Learning Objects for MobilePhones / Claire Bradley, Richard Haynes, John Cook, Tom Boyle, andCarl Smith
Chapter 9
From E-learning to Mobile Learning: New Opportunities / MichellePieri and Davide Diamantini
Chapter 10
MobilED – Mobile Tools and Services Platform for Formal andInformal Learning / Merryl Ford and Teemu Leinonen
Chapter 11
Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of M-learning within anInternational Distance Education Programme / Jon Gregson and DolfJordaan
Chapter 12
Using Mobile Technologies for Multimedia Tours in a TraditionalMuseum Setting / Laura Naismith and M. Paul Smith
Chapter 13
Use of Mobile Technology for Teacher Training / JocelynWishart