Michael W. Graves
Michael W. Graves is chair and professor of anthropology at the University of New Mexico and professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa.
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
Abundance and Resilience
Farming and Foraging in Ancient Kaua‘i
Edited by Julie S. Field and Michael W. Graves
University of Hawaii Press
- Copyright year: 2015
Archaeological Anthropology
Perspectives on Method and Theory
The University of Arizona Press
In this collection, four generations of Longacre protégés show how they are building upon and developing—but also modifying—the theoretical paradigm that remains at the core of Americanist archaeology. The contributions focus on six themes prominent in Longacre’s career: the intellectual history of the field in the late twentieth century, archaeological methodology, analogical inference, ethnoarchaeology, cultural evolution, and reconstructing ancient society.
Multidisciplinary Research at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona
The University of Arizona Press
This volume presents the results of research from the University of Arizona’s archaeological field school at Grasshopper Pueblo in Arizona. Contributors consider issues of environmental and climactic change; regional and interregional economics; and subsistence change.
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