UBC Press proudly distributes Jessica Kingsley Publishers in Canada. A selection of JKP titles are available on our website. If you're interested in a title not available on our website, please contact us or our distributor, UTP Distribution.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP) is a wholly independent company, committed to publishing books that make a difference.
The company was founded in 1987 in London by Jessica Kingsley and has grown since then to now publish over 250 books a year. JKP is known for long established lists on the autism spectrum, social work, and arts therapies. More recently they have published extensively in the fields of mental health, counselling, palliative care, and practical theology. JKP has a range of graphic novels across these subject areas, and books for children, on issues including bereavement, depression and anger. In 2016, JKP was awarded Independent Academic, Educational and Professional Publisher of the Year by the British Book Industry Awards.
In 2006 a new imprint, Singing Dragon, was born.
Social Narratives
A Story Intervention for Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Based on extensive research, this practical book gives you the tools needed to use Social Narratives, a simple intervention for helping children with autism spectrum disorder develop social behaviour. Packed with sample stories, and with step-by-step guidelines for writing, this book will show you how to implement the approach to maximise success.
Practical Guide to Child Protection
The Challenges, Pitfalls and Practical Solutions
Informed by the author's experience writing serious case reviews, this book offers the practical information that child protection practitioners need and which is often absent in formal training. It offers advice for the known difficulties in practice such as home visiting, communicating with children and working with resistant clients.
Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions
An Introduction and Guide
Highlighting the specific difficulties and challenges that older people with autism may face with regards to living arrangements, changes to social habits and communicating with carers, as well as health issues, this book shows ways to support people with autism as they reach retirement age.
How to Be a Great Leader in Early Years
Full of practical advice to help early years leaders to improve their leadership skills. This highly accessible guide draws on Jennie Johnson's own experience of founding an outstanding childcare service.
Games and Activities for Attaching With Your Child
The authors present strategies for engaging children in fun activities to aid positive attachment between a parent or carer and their child. Each game is designed with specific age groups in mind, and activities are recommended to target specific needs in children that affect attachment, such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Dyslexia and Mental Health
Helping people identify destructive behaviours and find positive ways to cope
This book presents research and case studies to demonstrate why and how those with dyslexia can adopt adverse coping strategies and defensive mechanisms to deal with the emotional impact of the condition, which can lead to self-harm, depression and even suicide, and how they can best be helped and supported by the professionals who work with them.
Domestic Violence and Protecting Children
New Thinking and Approaches
Describing some of the innovative work taking place in domestic violence and child protection work, this book looks at how interventions for children exposed to domestic violence are being developed, how services for abusive fathers have evolved and discusses a number of new initiatives in the field of interagency risk assessment.
Counselling Skills for Working with Shame
Providing the skills counsellors need to identify and manage shame, in the client and themselves, this book aims to enable the counsellor to release shame and to build shame resilience. Full of practical techniques, it is a skills-led handbook for practitioners who have little formal training in working with shame.
Challenging Child Protection
New Directions in Safeguarding Children
This book sets child protection within a conceptual understanding of contemporary social work and current social and political contexts.
Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties
A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Other Professionals
A complete, accessible guide to understanding dyscalculia and poor numeracy, this book covers number sense and how the brain deals with numbers, assessment, planning intervention, what to teach, how to teach it and how parents can help. Essential for parents, teachers and education professionals working with a child with numerical difficulties.
Marriage and Lasting Relationships with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Successful Strategies for Couples or Counselors
Offering practical advice straight from the couples counseling room, Eva A. Mendes provides an insider's view into what couples and counselors can do to help make an ASD relationship last. She outlines the challenges faced in an ASD relationship and provides strategies that can improve the lives and marriages of couples on a daily basis.
Living Better with Dementia
Good Practice and Innovation for the Future
With currently evolving dementia policy, how can we ensure that living well with dementia continues to be a primary aim for future national dementia strategies? This book looks at current policy and research to determine emerging challenges, and what they mean for practice, both nationally and within a global context.
Independent Mental Health Advocacy - The Right to Be Heard
The Practice and Context of Professional Advocacy in Mental Health Services
This research-based book tells you everything you need to know about independent mental health advocacy (IMHA), including the role that IMHAs play within mental health services, their relationship with service users and with other mental health professionals.
Helping Foster Children In School
A Guide for Foster Parents, Social Workers and Teachers
Foster children often struggle in school, performing poorly both in terms of their behavior and academic performance. This book is full of positive strategies to help foster parents, educators and social workers to support these children more effectively.
Critical Care
Delivering Spiritual Care in Healthcare Contexts
Focusing on spiritual care within the delivery and provision of healthcare today, the contributors combine academic and professional expertise to discuss themes including: spirituality, pluralism and multi-faith practice, healthcare ethics, legal and policy issues, mental health, and beginning and end of life issues.
Challenging Stress, Burnout and Rust-Out
Finding Balance in Busy Lives
This practical resource provides professionals with techniques for developing a more balanced lifestyle. The author discusses the meaning of work-life balance and explains how it can be achieved in reality with some simple, straightforward strategies.
Billy Says... Series of 6 books
Six therapeutic storybooks to help children on their journey through fostering or adoption
A set of six books guiding children through the process of fostering and adoption, by focusing on the experiences of a five-year-old girl called Kirsty and her magic doll Billy. Billy helps Kirsty to understand what is happening to her and to make sense of her complicated feelings.
The Self-Help Guide for Teens with Dyslexia
Useful Stuff You May Not Learn at School
Written by a dyslexic college tutor for dyslexic students, this book contains a wealth of tips and advice to aid successful learning. With ways to improve reading, writing, numeracy and organisational skills, this book offers solutions to common problems that will work with the dyslexic mind.
The Princess and the Fog
A Story for Children with Depression
This vibrantly illustrated story is designed to be read with children aged 5-7 who are suffering from depression. Using metaphor and full of humour, it is a relatable, enjoyable and positive read for all. The book also includes a guide for parents and carers by clinical paediatric psychologists, Dr Melinda Edwards MBE and Linda Bayliss.
Restorative Practice and Special Needs
A Practical Guide to Working Restoratively with Young People
Restorative Practice (RP) is being used increasingly in different settings, but using RP with those who have Special Needs requires a different approach. This practical guide explains how RP can be adapted for those with additional needs and to see real improvement in behaviour and learning.
Introducing Mental Health, Second Edition
A Practical Guide
In this must-have guide for anyone working with people experiencing mental illness, the authors detail the major mental health disorders, the issues and implications surrounding them and explain the current legislation in easy-to-understand terms.
Goal Setting and Motivation in Therapy
Engaging Children and Parents
This book looks at all aspects of goal setting, a key concern for therapists working with children. Explaining theory, as well as the important issues for practice, this book presents innovative approaches developed by the editors that will increase understanding of goal setting within therapeutic settings.
Facilitating Spiritual Reminiscence for People with Dementia
A Learning Guide
Putting research into practice, this book presents a practical guide to spiritual reminiscence with older people living with dementia. Clear, step-by-step instructions for planning and hosting sessions are accompanied by important information on what spiritual care actually is, and its importance in caring for older people with dementia.
Developing Identity, Strengths, and Self-Perception for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The BASICS College Curriculum
This practical college curriculum helps students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to develop an understanding of their identity, self-perception and strengths and how to use this self-knowledge to succeed at college, in their social lives, and in their careers. It is an ideal textbook for ASD college programs or for student self-study.
Crime and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Myths and Mechanisms
Full of case studies, this book explores the importance of psychological theory and empirical research in understanding the involvement of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the criminal justice system. It discusses the establishment of intervention programs and calls for a review of forensic assessment for people with ASD.
The Secrets in Their Eyes
Transforming the Lives of People with Cognitive, Emotional, Learning, or Movement Disorders or Autism by Changing the Visual Software of the Brain
Problems with vision can cause practical, emotional and behavioral difficulties. The author shows how cutting-edge vision therapy techniques can immediately rectify these problems, by looking at the software of the eye to identify the underlying cause, and using visual management programs to ensure permanent results.
Keeping Your Adoptive Family Strong
Strategies for Success
Essential reading for any family struggling with the reality of adopting a traumatized child. Contains friendly advice and useful strategies to help families tackle common difficulties and create a stable, happy family.
Integrating Art Therapy and Yoga Therapy
Yoga, Art, and the Use of Intention
Yoga postures, meditation and art therapy-based techniques are combined in this innovative approach structured around targeting a specific treatment goal for each therapeutic session. For each goal, a mudra (hand position) meditation, yoga pose and art directive are recommended to embody the chosen intention.
Helping Children Affected by Parental Substance Abuse
Activities and Photocopiable Worksheets
Focusing on helping children and teenagers affected by parental substance misuse, this book brings together recent research and practical strategies to help young people overcome feelings of shame. Complete with ready-to-use worksheets, the activities in this book are ideal for use in group therapy sessions.
Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) and Music Imagery Methods for Individual and Group Therapy
This edited volume systematically describes the major adaptations of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery which accommodate a variety of contexts and client groups. The international contributors, who each use these adaptations in their own clinical practice, provide theoretical and practical details of the approach used for their client group.
Educating Children and Young People in Care
Learning Placements and Caring Schools
Bringing together research and practice on the theme of the educational well-being of children in care, this book aims to help professionals to improve these children's potential for educational attainment.
Art Therapy with Physical Conditions
17 experienced art therapists explain what art therapy can achieve with physical conditions including cancer, debilitating syndromes such as M.E., physical conditions in combination with homelessness and learning disabilities, and children with chronic illness. They also cover the challenges and considerations when working with these groups.
Art Therapy with Neurological Conditions
Art therapists working with a range of ages and neurological conditions including epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer's, acquired brain injury, motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis, describe the effects of the conditions on clients' functioning and how different art therapy practices have transformed the rehabilitation process.
A Practical Guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Putting the Principles of the Act Into Practice
A practical guide for health and social care professionals on the Mental Capacity Act 2005, enabling more informed and effective practice.
Video Enhanced Reflective Practice
Professional Development through Attuned Interactions
This edited book presents the applications, theory and research behind Video Enhanced Reflection on Practice, a professional development tool which enables professionals and trainees to analyse their own practice to make more informed decisions about how to improve their communication, therapeutic or teaching skills in more problematic situations.
Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Schools
A Guide to Whole-School Strategies and Practical Support
With steadily increasing incidences of self-harm and eating disorders among students and long waiting lists for specialised support, schools have a more active role than ever in supporting young people with these issues. This guide provides information and guidance on how to help students from whole-school policies to day-to-day strategies.
Multifaith Care for Sick and Dying Children and their Families
A Multidisciplinary Guide
A practical guide to improve care for sick and dying children of different faiths and their families. Drawing on evidence-based research and practice, it discusses multi-faith daily, palliative, end of life and bereavement care in a variety of settings, including hospitals, hospices, schools and at home. The book also contains case studies.
Improving Access to Further and Higher Education for Young People in Public Care
European Policy and Practice
Across Europe young people in care are around five times less likely to attend tertiary education than those who have not been in care. Drawing extensively on a substantial three-year long research project led by the authors, this book provides a comprehensive account of this shocking discrepancy and discusses ways to address the imbalance.
How to Create Kind Schools
12 extraordinary projects making schools happier and helping every child fit in
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Kidscape, a national charity that works to prevent bullying and promote inclusion, this book tells the story of 12 innovative projects that schools across the UK are running which help to promote inclusion, tolerance and kindness and tackle issues such as homophobia, racism and truancy.
Healing the Hidden Hurts
Transforming Attachment and Trauma Theory into Effective Practice with Families, Children and Adults
Providing an important insight into the positive and negative effects of early attachment experiences, this book explores its implications on physical, emotional, social and intellectual development and provides recommendations for best practice across a broad range of professional settings.
Dementia, Culture and Ethnicity
Issues for All
This book explores the relationship between dementia, culture and ethnicity, looking at the latest evidence and research to determine the impact of diversity on dementia care services. By examining the key issues and providing suggestions for change, this book shows how dementia professionals can provide culturally appropriate care for all.
Believing You Can is the First Step to Achieving
A CBT and Attribution Retraining Programme to Improve Self-Belief in Students aged 8-12
This easy-to-implement programme helps educational professionals to engage and motivate students aged 8-12 who are underachieving or have low self-belief. Based on techniques from CBT and AR, the workbook, games and activities in this programme teach students how negative and positive thinking can affect learning.
What's Happening to Ellie?
A Book About Puberty for Girls and Young Women with Autism and Related Conditions
This simple picture book follows Ellie as she begins puberty. Designed to be read with girls with autism or other special needs, it provides the perfect starting point for parents and carers to discuss changes including new hair growth and menstruation.
What Color is Monday?
How Autism Changed One Family for the Better
Carrie's son Jack sees days of the week as colors, has an astounding memory for birthdays, and is terrified of dogs - he also has autism. In this moving memoir, Carrie shows the realities of daily life parenting a family of five and supporting her son's special needs giving us a fascinating view into Jack's unique mind and a family built on love.
An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems
For the first time, this comprehensive book tells occupational therapists everything they need to know about sleep and sleep disorders. With contributions from experienced OTs, each chapter includes essential scientific knowledge, research and case studies to give OTs new understanding on how they can help patients suffering from sleep problems.
What to Feed an Asperger?
How to go from three foods to three hundred with love, patience and a little sleight of hand
Inside Transracial Adoption, Second Edition
Strength-based, Culture-sensitizing Parenting Strategies for Inter-country or Domestic Adoptive Families That Don't "Match"
Transracial adoption is a lifelong journey, complex and challenging. But it can work well for kids and families when parents are prepared to form new ideas and look at it from a different perspective.
Can I tell you about ADHD?
A guide for friends, family and professionals
Meet Ben – a young boy with ADHD. Ben invites readers to learn about ADHD from his perspective.
Ed says U said
Eating Disorder Translator
When an eating disorder (ED) is involved, the problems caused by miscommunication can have serious consequences. A remark from a parent that is intended as positive encouragement could act as a trigger and a criticism from someone with an ED might really be a cry for help.
A Brief Guide to Autism Treatments
Details 14 of the most popular treatments for autism, offering balanced overview of each treatment with current opinion and scientific data