Domestic Violence and Protecting Children
Release Date:21 Aug 2015

Domestic Violence and Protecting Children

New Thinking and Approaches

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

In this volume, the authors present an overview of the innovative work taking place in relation to domestic violence and child protection.

This book looks at new prevention initiatives and how interventions for children exposed to domestic violence have been developed. It shows how services for abusive fathers have evolved and provides discussion and critique of a number of new initiatives in the field of interagency risk assessment. With international perspectives and examples drawn from social care, health care and voluntary sectors, this book brings together established ideas with recent thinking to provide an authoritative summary of current domestic violence and child protection practice.

As a valuable source of guidance on how to work safely with children living with domestic violence, this is a key reference for social workers, health professionals and policy makers.


Nicky Stanley is Professor in Social Work at the University of Central Lancashire. She researches on domestic violence, child protection, parental mental health and young people's mental health. She is a member of the NICE Programme Development Group that is producing guidance on the health and social care response to domestic violence. She has published a research review on children experiencing domestic violence and co-edited Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Directions for Good Practice with Cathy Humphreys, published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Cathy Humphreys is Professor of Social Work at University of Melbourne, a chair established by the Alfred Felton Trust to work with community sector organisations to capacity build research in the vulnerable youth and families sector. She has a strong background in practice, research and publication in the domestic violence and child abuse areas. Her research is international with a specific focus on the UK where she worked for 12 years at University of Warwick before returning to Australia and the professorship at University of Melbourne.

Introduction, Nicky Stanley, University of Central Lancashire and Cathy Humphreys, University of Melbourne. Part 1: Children's and Young People's Perspectives. 1. Children's Views of Safety and Adversity When Living with Domestic Violence, Anita Morris, Kelsey Hegarty and Cathy Humphreys, University of Melbourne. 2. Traversing the Generational Gap: Young People's Views on Intervention and Prevention of Teenage Intimate Partner Violence, Per Moum Hellevik, NKVTS, Carolina Överlien, Uppsala University, Christine Barter, Marsha Wood, Nadia Aghtaie, University of Bristol, Cath Larkins and Nicky Stanley, University of Central Lancashire. Part 2: Prevention and Intervention for Children and Young People. 3. School-based Prevention and the Disclosure of Domestic Violence: A Can of Worms? Jane Ellis, Soo Downe, Nicola Farrelly, Sandra Hollinghurst, Nicky Stanley, University of Central Lancashire. 4. Advocacy for Children and Young People Experiencing Domestic Violence, Joanne Westwood and Cath Larkins, University of Central Lancashire. 5. Children Who Are Violent to Their Parents Need Protection Too, Paula Wilcox and Michelle Pooley, University of Brighton. 6. Forced Marriage Is a Child Protection Matter, Zahra Alijah, University of Manchester and Khatidja Chantler, University of Central Lancashire. Part 3: Interventions for Mothers and Children. 7. More Than a Mirage? Safe Contact for Children and Young People Who Have Been Exposed to Domestic Violence, Lorraine Radford, University of Central Lancashire and Marianne Hester, University of Bristol. 8. Supporting the Relationship between Mothers and Children in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence, Cathy Humphreys, Ravi K. Thiara, University of Warwick, Cathy Sharp and Jocelyn Jones, the Cedar Project. 9. Infant-led Practice: Responding to Infants and Their Mothers (and Fathers) in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence, Wendy Bunston, La Trobe University. Part 4: Working with Abusive Fathers. 10. Focusing on Fathering in the Context of Domestic Abuse: Children's and Fathers' Perspectives, Stephanie Holt, Trinity College Dublin. 11. Expanding Understandings of Success: Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes, Children and Fathering, Sue Alderson, Durham University, Liz Kelly, London Metropolitan University and Nicole Westmarland, Durham University. 12. Reshaping the Child Protection Response to Domestic Violence Through Collaborative Working, Neil Blacklock, Respect UK and Ruth Phillips, London Metropolitan University. Part 5: Interagency Work. 13. Working Together, Working Apart: General Practice Professionals' Perspectives on Interagency Collaboration in Relation to Children Experiencing Domestic Violence, Eszter Szilassy, University of Bristol, Jessica Drinkwater, University of Leeds, Marianne Hester, University of Bristol, Cath Larkins, Nicky Stanley, University of Central Lancashire, William Turner and Gene Feder, University of Bristol. 14. Moving Towards Integrated Domestic Violence Services for Children and Families, Nicky Stanley, University of Central Lancashire. Conclusion: New Challenges and Developments in Responding to Children Experiencing Domestic Violence, Cathy Humphreys, University of Melbourne and Nicky Stanley, University of Central Lancashire.
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