June Alexander is an Australian writer and formerjournalist, columnist and newspaper editor. At the age of eleven, shedeveloped anorexia nervosa, followed by bulimia, and recovered fourdecades later. June is now a prominent eating disorder awareness writerand campaigner. ED says U said is her fourth book on eatingdisorders. June lives in Victoria, Australia. For more informationabout her work, please visit www.junealexander.com. CatherineSangster is a health and physical education teacher. She has abackground in neuroanatomy, publishing and freelance writing and herwork has been published in international scientific journals. She isrecovering from a 20-year battle with an eating disorder and currentlywrites two blogs. See keepcatebusy.blogspot.com andrecoverypjstyle.blogspot.com. Cate lives in Victoria, Australia.
Acknowledgements. Foreword. Introduction. Part 1. Setting the Scene.Part 2. Early Signs and Symptoms. Part 3. Treatment. Part 4. Recovery.Part 5. From Recovery to Recovered. Part 6. Carers, Families andFriends. Part 7. Ditch the Myths. Appendix. Afterword. Index.