Jeanette Rodríguez
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
Cultural Memory
Resistance, Faith, and Identity
By Jeanette Rodríguez and Ted Fortier
University of Texas Press
An interdisciplinary examination of four cases of cultural memory rooted in religion, and how those memories empowered their respective cultures.
- Copyright year: 2007
A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology
Religion and Justice
University of Texas Press
This first-of-its-kind volume adds the perspectives, realities, struggles, and spiritualities of U.S. Latinas to the larger feminist theological discourse.
- Copyright year: 2002
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Faith and Empowerment among Mexican-American Women
By Jeanette Rodríguez; Introduction by Fr. Virgilio Elizondo
University of Texas Press
The role of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the lives of second-generation Mexican-American women.
- Copyright year: 1994
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