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This original work makes unprecedented use of some of the mostimportant research to date in plant ecology. It is a guide forassessing site quality, that is, the climate and soil of particularforest and non-forest ecosystems.
Foresters have long been interested in using plants as indicators inpredicting the growth performance of reforestation sites, but the datahave not been readily available. Indicator Plants of CoastalBritish Columbia fully discusses how indicator plants arerecognized and demonstrates how indicator plants can be used in sitediagnosis.
The book presents colour illustrations and descriptions of 419selected vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens of coastal BritishColumbia. Indicators with similar values are grouped into indicatorspecies groups which are used to evaluate site quality. These data aresupplemented by information on geographic distribution, life-form,shade tolerance, and other ecological characteristics of the species.Three methods are given on how to use indicator plants for the purposeof site diagnosis.
Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia summarizesoriginal research in a format which both students and practitionerswill find easy to use.
... the extensive review of the literature makes this the most up-to-date published checklist of the province.
Will be of great value to field foresters in British Columbia and will also be of use to others involved in field ecology.
1. Introduction
2. Basic Concepts
Ecosystem, Vegetation, and Site
The Ecosystem Concept in Forest Management
Site Diagnosis
3. Concepts and Methods Related to IndicatorPlants
Plants as Site Indicators
Choice of Objects of Plant Indication
Indicator Values of Species
Choice of Indicator Species
Indicator Species Groups
4. Site Attributes and Indicator Species
Indicators of Climate
Soil Moisture
Indicators of Soil Moisture
Soil Nutrients
Indicators of Soil Nitrogen
Ground Surface Materials
Indicators of Ground Surface Materials
5. Indicator Plant Analysis
Individual-Species Method
Spectral Method
Index Method
6. Distribution and Ecological Characteristics of IndicatorPlants