Ignacio Sarmiento
Central American Migrations in the Twenty-First Century
Central American Migrations in the Twenty-First Century tackles head-on the way Central America has been portrayed as a region profoundly marked by the migration of its people. The essays use an intersectional approach to demonstrate the complexity of the migration experience. This volume opens a dialogue between humanities and social sciences scholars on the complex migratory processes of the region.
- Copyright year: 2023
Specters of War
The Battle of Mourning in Postconflict Central America
Specters of War explores mourning practices in postwar Central America, particularly in El Salvador and Guatemala. Sarmiento delves into the intricate dynamics of grieving through an interdisciplinary lens, analyzing expressions of mourning in literature, theater, and sites of memory. At the heart of this analysis is the contention over who has the right to mourn, how mourning is performed, and who is included in this process. Mourning is a battleground where different societal factions vie for the possibility of grieving the dead.
- Copyright year: 2025