Ian W. Brown
Towns and Temples Along the Mississippi
A Dan Josselyn Memorial Publication
Specialists from archaeology, ethnohistory, physical anthropology, and cultural anthropology bring their varied points of view to this subject in an attempt to answer basic questions about the nature and extent of social change within the time period.
- Copyright year: 1990
Bottle Creek
A Pensacola Culture Site in South Alabama
- Copyright year: 2002
Plaquemine Archaeology
First major work to deal solely with the Plaquemine societies.
Plaquemine, Louisiana, about 10 miles south of Baton Rouge on the banks of the Mississippi River, seems an unassuming southern community for which to designate an entire culture. Archaeological research conducted in the region between 1938 and 1941, however, revealed distinctive cultural materials that provided the basis for distinguishing a unique cultural manifestation in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Plaquemine was first cited in the archaeological literature by James Ford and Gordon Willey in their 1941 synthesis of eastern U.S. prehistory.
Time's River
Archaeological Syntheses from the Lower Mississippi Valley
- Copyright year: 2008
Forging Southeastern Identities
Social Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Folklore of the Mississippian to Early Historic South
- Copyright year: 2017
Salt in Eastern North America and the Caribbean
History and Archaeology
- Copyright year: 2021