Property, Territory, Globalization
Struggles over Autonomy
Focusing on sites of friction in property regimes, this book reveals that a politics of place can help local actors build bases of autonomy to withstand, and even reshape, the forces of globalization.
Globalization and Local Adaptation in International Trade Law
Drawing on case studies from the Pacific Rim, this book traces the selective adaptation of international trade law to local conditions.
Globalizing Citizenship
This book traces how border controls and detention practices, particularly in the post-9/11 era, are transforming citizenship into a globalizing regime to regulate mobility.
Locating Global Order
American Power and Canadian Security after 9/11
This volume unveils how the security policies of allied powers, such as Canada, are integral to the creation and maintenance of a US-led global order.
Solidarities Beyond Borders
Transnationalizing Women's Movements
Case studies from North America, Latin America, and Southeast Asia explore the challenges and benefits of building transnational ties among feminists and women’s groups.
Indigenous Peoples and Autonomy
Insights for a Global Age
This book looks at how indigenous peoples in various contexts have thought about, and responded to, the pressures that globalization has on their cultural, political, and geographical autonomy.
Cultural Autonomy
Frictions and Connections
Offers a multifaceted perspective on how global changes in the organization of power have transformed the ability of individuals and communities to create their own meanings.
A Perilous Imbalance
The Globalization of Canadian Law and Governance
Tackles the pressing question of how Canadian engagement with globalization can be marshaled to advance rather than impair human security, ecological integrity, and social emancipation.
Unsettled Legitimacy
Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era
This ground-breaking work explores how the unsettling of legitimacy has affected the relationships between authority, power, and political community in local, regional, national, and global settings.
Empires and Autonomy
Moments in the History of Globalization
This collaborative study explores moments in the history of globalization and autonomy to provide insights into changes overtaking the contemporary world.
Identity/Difference Politics
How Difference Is Produced, and Why It Matters
Identity/Difference Politics offers a new direction for the study of identity/difference, one that moves beyond liberal multiculturalism’s preoccupation with culture.
Renegotiating Community
Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Global Contexts
Using original case studies to show how a range of communities deal with the forces of globalization, this book redraws the conceptual maps through which community, globalization, and autonomy are understood.
Global Ordering
Institutions and Autonomy in a Changing World
This innovative, interdisciplinary work explores key institutional fault lines between the tectonic plates of globalization and the insistent demands for individual and collective autonomy.
Organizing the Transnational
Labour, Politics, and Social Change
This collection articulates a multi-level cultural politics of transnationalism to frame contemporary analyses of immigration and diasporas.
From World Order to Global Disorder
States, Markets, and Dissent
Demonstrates the profound effect of globalization on relations between the state, civil society, and markets, as well as on collective and individual rights.