Global Ordering
Institutions and Autonomy in a Changing World
Despite myriad global forces influencing the lives of individuals, societies, and polities, people continue to value their personal and communal independence. They insist on shaping the conditions of their existence to the fullest extent possible. At the same time, many formal and informal institutions – from transnational legal and financial regimes to new governance arrangements for aboriginal communities in environmentally sensitive regions – are evolving, adapting to meet new challenges, or failing to adjust rapidly enough.
Global Ordering examines the key institutions and organizations that mediate the increasingly complex relationship between globalization and autonomy. Bringing together an outstanding group of scholars, this ground-breaking book contributes significantly to the work of re-imagining the circumstances under which integrative systemic forces can be brought into alignment with irreducible commitments to individual and collective autonomy. It is important work that maps the new frontier of globalization studies.
Louis W. Pauly is Canada Research Chair in Globalization and Governance at the University of Toronto. William D. Coleman is CIGI Chair in Globalization and Public Policy at the Balsillie School of International Affairs and professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Waterloo.
Contributors: Diana Brydon, Guy Gensey, Stephen Clarkson, Ian Cooper, A. Claire Cutler, Sarah Eaton, Ulf Hedetoft, Caren Irr, Natalia Loukacheva, Tony Porter, Petra Rethmann, Emily Sinclair, Michael Webb, and Gilbert R. Winham
1 Globalization, Autonomy, and Institutional Change / William D. Coleman, Louis W. Pauly, and Diana Brydon
Part 1: Systemic Themes
2 The United Nations, the Bretton Woods Institutions, and the Reconstruction of a Multilateral Order / Louis W. Pauly
3 International Law, Dispute Settlement, and Autonomy / Guy Gensey and Gilbert R. Winham
4 Agricultural Trade and the World Trade Organization / William D. Coleman
5 World Heritage Sites and the Culture of the Commons / Caren Irr
6 Fantasies at the International Whaling Commission: Management, Sustainability, Conservation / Petra Rethmann
7 Globalization, Autonomy, and Global Institutions: Accounting for Accounting / Sarah Eaton and Tony Porter
8 Transnational Law and Privatized Governance / A. Claire Cutler
9 Transnational Actors and Global Social Welfare Policy: The Limits of Private Institutions in Global Governance / Michael Webb and Emily Sinclair
Part 2: Regional Variations
10 Differentiated Autonomy: North America's Model of Transborder Governance / Stephen Clarkson
11 Sovereignty Revisited: European Reconfigurations, Global Challenges, and Implications for Small States / Ulf Hedetoft
12 Subsidiarity and Autonomy in the European Union / Ian Cooper
13 Institutions of Arctic Ordering: The Cases of Greenland and Nunavut / Natalia Loukacheva
14 Conclusion: Institutions, Autonomy, and Complexity / Louis W. Pauly
Notes and Acknowledgments; Works Cited; Contributors; Index