Frank Marotti

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

The Cana Sanctuary

History, Diplomacy, and Black Catholic Marriage in Antebellum St. Augustine, Florida

University of Alabama Press

Uses the collective testimony from more than two hundred Patriot War claims, previously believed to have been destroyed, to offer insight into the lesser-known Patriot War of 1812 and to constitute an intellectual history of everyday people caught in the path of an expanding American empire

  • Copyright year: 2012
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Heaven's Soldiers

Free People of Color and the Spanish Legacy in Antebellum Florida

By Frank Marotti; Introduction by Frank Marotti
University of Alabama Press

Heaven’s Soldiers chronicles the history of a community of free people of African descent who lived and thrived, while resisting the constraints of legal bondage, in East Florida in the four decades leading up to the Civil War.

  • Copyright year: 2013
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