Research with Refugee Children and Families
Ethical Dilemmas and Methodological Insights
The Scramble for the Teenage Dollar
Creating the Youth Market in Mid-Century Canada
The Scramble for the Teenage Dollar explores how mid-century marketers and advertisers created the concept of the teenager as model consumer, an idea that has driven our culture ever since.
Tender Labour
Migrant Care Work, Filipina/o Young People, and Family Life across Borders
Tender Labour investigates the paid and unpaid labour that young migrants from the Philippines engage in to hold their families together and build a better life.
Unmothering Autism
Ethical Disruptions and Affirming Care
Unmothering Autism rethinks autism and mothering to reveal what it means for us to live well together in, and through, difference.
Small Bites
Biocultural Dimensions of Children's Food and Nutrition
Small Bites travels the globe to show how biology and culture influence how children eat, and how child nutrition can be made more equitable and sustainable.
A World without Martha
A Memoir of Sisters, Disability, and Difference
A World without Martha is an unflinching yet compassionate memoir of how one sister’s institutionalization for intellectual disability in the 1960s affected the other, sending them both on separate but parallel journeys shaped initially by society’s inability to accept difference and later by changing attitudes towards disability, identity, and inclusion.
Caring for Children
Social Movements and Public Policy in Canada
Caring for Children interrogates Canadian public policies on the care of children, asking why the burden of care falls so heavily on women as mothers and caregivers, and what social movements are doing to try to redesign the politics of caring for children.
Who Is Bob_34?
Investigating Child Cyberpornography
Researchers Francis Fortin and Patrice Corriveau investigate the clandestine world of child cyberpornography to understand who produces, exchanges, and consumes pedo-pornographic images.
Acquired Tastes
Why Families Eat the Way They Do
Interviews with Canadian families reveal that our daily food choices reflect individual tastes and preferences but also our economic, social, and geographical place in the world.
Polygamy’s Rights and Wrongs
Perspectives on Harm, Family, and Law
Eleven diverse scholars interrogate the belief that polygamy is inherently harmful, questioning the ways in which society assigns value to family and intimacy, and its right to do so.
Father Involvement in Canada
Diversity, Renewal, and Transformation
Exploring the diverse roles fathers play in their children’s lives, Father Involvement in Canada provides a timely synopsis of current knowledge while challenging many long-held assumptions about fatherhood.
Academic Careers and the Gender Gap
An analysis of the institutional, academic, family, and personal contributors to the academic gender gap in liberal-state universities.
Reimagining Intervention in Young Lives
Work, Social Assistance, and Marginalization
Documents the experience of poverty, unemployment, homelessness, and intervention, and their effects on young people’s lives and social networks.
Child and Youth Care
Critical Perspectives on Pedagogy, Practice, and Policy
This book reconceptualizes child and youth care by bringing critical and postmodern perspectives to bear on practices, programs, and policies.
Age, Gender, and Work
Small Information Technology Firms in the New Economy
A unique examination of how age and gender inform the workplace and its culture in the new knowledge-based economy.
Transforming Law's Family
The Legal Recognition of Planned Lesbian Motherhood
Drawing on the rarely heard voices of Canada’s lesbian mothers, Transforming Law’s Family explores the legal dimensions of planned lesbian parenthood and proposes avenues for legal change.
A Life in Balance?
Reopening the Family-Work Debate
This volume brings together feminist scholars from multiple disciplines to challenge the notion that work and family are two distinct areas of life in need of balance.
A History of Early Childhood Education in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
This book explores the history of kindergartens and infant schools in three settler colonies, revealing how discourses and developments in the past have shaped early childhood education in the present.
The (Un)Making of the Modern Family
No Place to Go
Local Histories of the Battered Women’s Shelter Movement
The first history of the battered women’s shelter movement in Canada, this book traces the development of transition houses and services for abused women and the campaign that made wife battering a political issue.
People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia
Contributors contemplate the evolution of child protection policy and practice in BC, addressing political influences on structural arrangements, cultural traditions of First Nations clients, and establishing community control over services.
Supporting Indigenous Children's Development
Community-University Partnerships
The authors show how an innovative program – an unexpected partnership between an Aboriginal tribal council and the University of Victoria’s School of Child and Youth Care – has strengthened community capacity to design and deliver culturally appropriate programs to support young children’s development.
Rethinking Domestic Violence
Dutton’s rethinking of the fundamentals of intimate partner violence is essential reading for psychologists, policy makers, and those dealing with the sociology of social science, the relationship of psychology to law, and explanations of adverse behaviour.
Protecting Aboriginal Children
This is the first book to document emerging practice in Aboriginal communities and describe child protection practice simultaneously from the point of view of the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal social worker.
Justice for Young Offenders
Their Needs, Our Responses
This ground-breaking analysis of complex issues of youth justice challenges the assumptions behind Canada’s approach to youth justice and mental health disorders.
Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities
Comparative law and legal anthropology have traditionally restricted themselves to their own fields of inquiry. Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities turns this tendency on its head and investigates what happens when ...
Pro-Family Politics and Fringe Parties in Canada
Pro-Family Politics and Fringe Parties in Canada explores the organizational and ideological nature of political parties that are initially formed to do the work of social movements.
Tough on Kids
Rethinking Approaches to Youth Justice
In this compelling, thought-provoking and sometimes heartbreaking book, the authors use the stories of their young clients to illustrate the very real costs of the current system, analyzing theories behind youth justice, and how these are reflected in Canadian legislation both past and present.
Taxing Choices
The Intersection of Class, Gender, Parenthood, and the Law
This fascinating analysis of the controversial Symes case of the 1990s examines how class and gender interests clashed over the tax treatment of childcare.