This Elusive Land
Women and the Canadian Environment
This multidisciplinary anthology discusses the ways in which women integrate the social and biophysical settings of their lives, featuring a range of contexts and issues in which gender mediates, inspires, and informs a sense of belonging to and in this land.
Shaped by the West Wind
Nature and History in Georgian Bay
This wide-ranging history of Georgian Bay examines changing cultural representations of landscape over time, shifts between resource development and recreational use, and environmental politics of place -- stories central to the Canadian experience.
A Dynamic Balance
Social Capital and Sustainable Community Development
Illustrates the links between two normally disparate literatures—social capital and sustainable development—within the overall context of local community development.
Canadian Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, 2nd ed.
Political Economy and Public Policy
This innovative book offers an interdisciplinary framework with which to think through ecological, political, economic, and social issues, provding one of the most comprehensive analyses of Canadian natural resource and environmental policy to date.
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Volume 1–Nonpasserines: Loons through Cranes
This work provides a comprehensive summary of the life history requirements of bird species in the Ontario, including information on habitat, limiting factors, and status.
Biotechnology Unglued
Science, Society, and Social Cohesion
The two faces of biotechnology are revealed throughout to show the promises and perils associated with a range of innovations.
The Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout
Describes the lives of offspring during the months they spend incubating in gravel, growing in fresh water, and migrating out to sea to mature.
Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability
A Farming Systems Analysis
An analysis of intensive agriculture and sustainable farming examining food quality, manure runoff, greenhouse gases, extra-label use of antibiotics, pesticide use, and rural conflict.
Bioregionalism and Civil Society
Democratic Challenges to Corporate Globalism
Mike Carr supports bioregional values and community-building tools for a diverse, democratic, socially-just civil society.
Taking Stands
Gender and the Sustainability of Rural Communities
Goes beyond the dichotomies of “pro” and “anti” environmentalism to tell the stories of the women who seek to maintain resource use in rural places.
Misplaced Distrust
Policy Networks and the Environment in France, the United States, and Canada
A timely comparative study of state-network interactions in agro-environmental policy-making in the US, Canada, and France.
Unnatural Law
Rethinking Canadian Environmental Law and Policy
This award-winning book comprehensively assesses of the strengths and weaknesses of Canadian environmental law.
Game in the Garden
A Human History of Wildlife in Western Canada to 1940
This intriguing book identifies the imaginative use of wild animals in early western society and shows how attitudes to wild animals changed according to subsistence and economic needs and how wildlife helped to determine social relations among people.
Future Nature, revised edition
A Vision for Conservation
This revised edition of Bill Adams's classic work tackles the new challenges in the countryside and wildlife conservation, exploring the scientific, cultural and economic significance of conservation.
The Integrity Gap
Canada's Environmental Policy and Institutions
This thoughtful collection exposes the gap between rhetoric and performance in Canada’s response to environmental challenges.
A Passion for Wildlife
The History of the Canadian Wildlife Service
A chronicle of the Canadian Wildlife Service and the evolution of wildlife policy over the first 50 years of this venerable Canadian institution's history.
Restoration of the Great Lakes
Promises, Practices, and Performances
Using original findings from surveys, interviews, and other documents, this volume looks at how various levels of government are attempting to restore the environment in the Great Lakes.
Forestry and the Forest Industry in Japan
Representing the work of distinguished Japanese scholars, this is the first comprehensive English-language overview of forestry, forest management, and the forest products industry in Japan.
Anatomy of a Conflict
Identity, Knowledge, and Emotion in Old-Growth Forests
Explores the cultural aspects of the fierce dispute between activist loggers and environmentalists over the fate of Oregon’s temperate rain forest.
Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb
A Chronicle of Sensibility to Animals
This impressive compedium of writings, speaches, and other expression shows that respect for animals has always been part of human thought.
The Cost of Climate Policy
We all want to reduce the risks of global warming, but how much will this cost? What will it mean on a personal, business, or community level? What policy responses should we expect from our governments?
At the Edge
Sustainable Development in the 21st Century
This timely book argues for governance based on human responsibility and recognition of the interconnectedness of human and natural systems.
Sustaining the Forests of the Pacific Coast
Forging Truces in the War in the Woods
This thoughtful collection of essays examines forest policy in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and British Columbia.
Fatal Consumption
Rethinking Sustainable Development
Taking the slogan "think globally, act locally" to heart, the contributors to this book offer both an understanding of the present and hope for a sustainable future.
In Search of Sustainability
British Columbia Forest Policy in the 1990s
A provocative, sobering examination of British Columbia's forest industry in the 1990s.
Flexible Crossroads
The Restructuring of British Columbia's Forest Economy
Columbia's forest economy is at a crucial crossroads, and Flexible Crossroads looks at the contemporary restructuring of British Columbia's forest economy, demonstrating how both resource dynamics and industrial dynamics have shaped this transformation.
Biodiversity and Democracy
Rethinking Nature and Society
In Biodiversity and Democracy, Paul Wood argues that the problem of extinction can be traced to how we think about both biodiversity and democratic societies.
Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada's Northwest Boreal Forest
This is a handbook of more than 200 traditional plants and their usage among First Nations people in Canada's northwest boreal forest (northern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta).
Policy and Practices for Biodiversity in Managed Forests
The Living Dance
This book addresses the major problems facing policy-makers and managers in sustaining biological diversity in managed forests.
Ecology of a Managed Terrestrial Landscape
Patterns and Processes of Forest Landscapes in Ontario
Ecology of a Managed Terrestrial Landscape responds to the increasing need of forest policy developers, planners, and managers for an integrated, comprehensive perspective on ecological landscapes.
Against the Grain
Foresters and Politics in Nova Scotia
This book argues that forestry is a more diverse and complex activity than has been generally recognized. It also underlines the political character of the profession.
White Gold
Hydroelectric Power in Canada
White Gold looks at what went wrong with hydro development, with the predicted industrial transformation, with the timing and magnitude of projects, and with national and regional initiatives to link these major projects to a trans-Canada power grid.
Once Upon an Oldman
Special Interest Politics and the Oldman River Dam
Once Upon an Oldman is an account of the controversy that surrounded the Alberta government's construction of a dam on the Oldman River to provide water for irrigation in the southern part of the province.
Communities, Development, and Sustainability across Canada
This book bridges the gap between theory and practice, bringing together concerned parties who have argued for increased local participation in sustainable community development.
Animals and Nature
Cultural Myths, Cultural Realities
“No one tradition alone offers a sufficient respect for other species. Taken together, they may offer a prospect for saner human-animal relations.”
Clearcutting the Pacific Rain Forest
Production, Science, and Regulation
This book integrates class, environmental, and political analysis to uncover the history of clearcutting in the Douglas fir forests of BC, Washington, and Oregon between 1880 and 1965.
The Wealth of Forests
Markets, Regulation, and Sustainable Forestry
This book is a pioneering attempt to consider the concrete policy implications of the much discussed transition to sustainable forestry.
Talk and Log
Wilderness Politics in British Columbia
A comprehensive account of the rise of the wilderness movement in British Columbia examines the forest industry's political strategies, and analyzes the inner workings of the policy process.
Conservation Biology Principles for Forested Landscapes
This book is intended to provide information to those who wish to interact with the landbase in an ecologically sustainable manner.