Conservation Biology Principles for Forested Landscapes
This book is intended to provide information to those who wish tointeract with the landbase in an ecologically sustainable manner.Practitioners charged with the administration of land-based programs inindustry and government will find the information presented useful. Itshould also be a resource for many community groups involved inland-use decision-making.
Humans continue to use forests and make decisions about land usewithout perfect information. Conservation Biology Principles forForested Landscapes is intended to enable the improvement ofplanning and decison-making processes by providing ecologicalinformation on issues of forest use. Current approaches are notworking. Where information exists on new, ecologically sustainableapproaches, practitioners should switch. Where the information on abetter approach is not yet available, practitioners should replace thecurrent, inappropriate approach with a variety of flexible ones thatoffer the opportunity to change with new knowledge.
Conservation Biology Principles for Forested Landscapes is a great leap forward in the evolution of forest biology and management at large spatial scales in Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. It is the single best book on this topic and deserves a spot on the bookshelf of everyone who studies and manages forest ecosystems ... the material contained in the book spans an impressive array of ecological information applied to the management of forest ecosystems. It is written in an engaging style accessible to both scientists and students, and provides a common base of knowledge with which ace managers should be familiar. I predict that Conservation Biology Principles for Forested Landscapes will become a classic in the forest biology literature.
1. Natural Disturbance Ecology / John Parminter
2. Spatial Patterns in Forested Landscapes: Implications for Biologyand Forestry / Marvin Eng
3. Connectivity / Scott Harrison and Joan Voller
4. Riparian Areas and Wetlands / Joan Voller
5. Interior Habitat / Angela von Sacken
6. Biodiversity and Old-Growth Forests / Andy MacKinnon
7. The Dead Wood Cycle / Eric Lofroth
8. Managing for Edge Effects / Joan Voller