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Ecology and Management of Sitka Spruce
350 pages, 6 x 9
64 full-colour illustrations
Release Date:06 Aug 1997
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Release Date:01 Nov 2007

Ecology and Management of Sitka Spruce

Emphasizing Its Natural Range in British Columbia

UBC Press

Sitka spruce, the largest of the world's spruces, is animportant component of British Columbia's coastal forests. Itsecology gives it a special place in the sustainable management of theprovince's forests. However, in west coast forestry it is poorlyknown in comparison with its main coniferous companions -- Douglas-fir,western redcedar, and western hemlock. As an important internationalforestry resource, it is crucial that Sitka spruce -- its ecology andthe ecosystems in which it occurs -- be clearly understood by those whoare involved with its management.

This book is the most recent major work on the ecology andmanagement of Sitka spruce. The authors describe how this fascinatingtree reproduces, grows, and functions in its natural geographic range.They discuss both the ecology of Sitka spruce and silviculturalquestions such as original plantation spacing, juvenile spacing, andfertilization to accelerate the harvestability of second-growth coastalspruce stands.

Sitka spruce derives its importance not only from its prominence asan international transportable genetic resource but also from its rolein riparian systems and its biodiversity values. Here in NorthAmerica's west coast rainforest, this magnificent tree illustratesthe ecology of complex forest ecosystems and their cultural,wilderness, historic, and economic values.

The book is a comprehensive treatment of the basic biology and management issues of Sitka spruce, placed in geographic, ecological and economic context ... the book is full of detailed and worthwhile information.  It is certain to be of great practical value to anyone concerned with management of Sitka spruce within its natural range. Steven A. Acker, Northwest Science, Vol. 72, No. 1 1998
... a comprehensive reference book full of facts.... The figures.... show a good range of subjects and illustrate the points well... most readable... I think that the book should be read by all Sitka spruce growers and should be on the reference bookshelf of every organisation which deals with Sitka spruce on a regular basis. Although aimed at North American readers, it contains a wealth of information relevant to us too. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 92 (4), 1998
What a treat .... I considered suggesting that not only should every British and Irish forestry practitioner and student purchase a copy of this book but that it should be liberally placed on hotel bedside tables....every forester should at least have a look at it at some time. Forestry, Vol. 72:1, 1999
E.B. Peterson is a forest ecologist and president ofWestern Ecological Services Ltd. in Victoria, B.C. N.M.Peterson is vice president and research associate at WesternEcological Services Ltd. G.F. Weetman is a professorin the Forest Sciences Department at the University of BritishColumbia. P.J. Martin is a stand developmentspecialist in the Silviculture Practices Branch, B.C. Ministry ofForests.


1. Introduction

2. Biology and Ecology of Naturally Occurring Sitka Spruce

3. Management of Sitka Spruce

4. Sitka Spruce in British Columbia's Future


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