Drew Morton
Drew Morton is associate professor of mass communication at Texas A&M University–Texarkana. He is author of Panel to the Screen: Style, American Film, and Comic Books during the Blockbuster Era, published by University Press of Mississippi. His publications have appeared in Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal; Cinema Journal; [in]Transition; Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics; and Studies in Comics. He is cofounder and coeditor of [in]Transition, the award-winning journal devoted to videographic criticism.
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Panel to the Screen
Style, American Film, and Comic Books during the Blockbuster Era
By Drew Morton
University Press of Mississippi
A unique exploration of adaptation theory and how one dramatic visual style affects another
After Midnight
Watchmen after Watchmen
University Press of Mississippi
The first scholarly exploration of three important Watchmen adaptations
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