Showing 1-15 of 89 items.

When Roe Fell

How Barriers, Inequities, and Systemic Failures of Justice in Abortion Became Visible

Edited by Katrina Kimport
Rutgers University Press

In the aftermath of the fall of Roe, this volume offers readers the opportunity to reorient scholarship and understanding about abortion, recognizing what was already true before Roe was overturned and how losing the protections of Roe forced, enabled, and perhaps even facilitated a new era of abortion. Only by understanding the historical moment when Roe fell can we anticipate what might happen next in the ongoing social and political contention over reproductive autonomy and freedom.

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The Nursing Clio Reader

Histories of Sex, Reproduction, and Justice

Rutgers University Press

A powerful resource for classrooms and individual readers alike, The Nursing Clio Reader invites reflection on how the past informs current debates, urging us to engage deeply with the history of reproductive justice in a time of unprecedented change.

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On the Frontlines of Crisis

Intensive Care and the Challenge of COVID-19

Rutgers University Press

On the Frontlines of Crisis by Jason Rodriquez is a powerful and deeply human account of the experiences of healthcare workers during one of the most harrowing periods in modern history—the COVID-19 pandemic. As hospitals around the globe became overwhelmed by the influx of critically ill patients, those working in intensive care units (ICUs) were thrust into an unprecedented battle against a new, deadly virus about which little was understood. Rodriquez takes readers into the heart of two Massachusetts ICUs to learn about the people who put their lives on the line and faced unimaginable challenges as they treated critically ill patients at the peak of the pandemic.

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Persisting Pandemics

Syphilis, AIDS, and COVID

Rutgers University Press

Syphilis, AIDS, and COVID disprove any belief that scientific discoveries have ended the period of acute epidemic diseases that once defined 19th century life and replaced them with chronic cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Today, we cope with a greater array of epidemics than those who lived during the 19th century, even though we have the biomedical means to control them. Our cumulative experience with epidemic diseases, together with our attempts to eliminate them, remains a continued component of our existence.

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The Sounds of Furious Living

Everyday Unorthodoxies in an Era of AIDS

Rutgers University Press

The Sounds of Furious Living seeks to understand the AIDS activist tradition, identifying the historical currents out of which it arose. Embracing a patient-centered, social historical lens, it traces historic shifts in popular understanding of health and perceptions of biomedicine through the 19th and 20th centuries to explain the lasting appeal of unorthodox health activism into the modern era. In asking how unorthodox health activism flourished during the 20th century’s last major pandemic, Kelly also seeks to inform our understanding of resistance to biomedical authority in the setting of the 21st century’s first major pandemic: COVID-19. As a deeply researched portrait of distrust and disenchantment, The Sounds of Furious Living helps explain the persistence of movements that challenge biomedicine’s authority well into a century marked by biomedical innovation, while simultaneously posing important questions regarding the meaning and metrics of patient empowerment in clinical practice.

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Bishops and Bodies

Reproductive Care in American Catholic Hospitals

Rutgers University Press

Four out of the ten largest U.S. health care systems follow the policies of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops that forbid abortion, sterilization, and related treatments in their hospitals. Drawing on rich interviews with patients and providers, Bishops and Bodies shows how these opaque restrictions conflict with medical standards, producing unjust and unequal reproductive care.

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Mammography Wars

Analyzing Attention in Cultural and Medical Disputes

Rutgers University Press

Mammography is a routine health screening performed 40 million times each year in the United States, yet it remains one of the most deeply contested topics in medicine. In Mammography Wars, sociologist Asia Friedman uses the sociology of attention to map the cognitive structure of the “mammography wars.”

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Dying Green

A Journey through End-of-Life Medicine in Search of Sustainable Health Care

Rutgers University Press

Dying Green considers the environmental costs of common healthcare practices, raising an urgent question: in striving to improve the health outcomes of individual patients, are we damaging human health on a global scale? Offering a comparative analysis of the care provided to terminally ill patients in different settings, it envisions a more sustainable approach to healthcare. 

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Abortion Care as Moral Work

Ethical Considerations of Maternal and Fetal Bodies

Edited by Johanna Schoen
Rutgers University Press

This anthology brings together the voices of abortion providers, counselors, clinic owners, neonatologists, bioethicists, and historians. Authors address the motivations that lead them to offer abortion care, discuss how anti-abortion regulations have made it increasingly difficult to offer feminist-inspired services, and ponder the ethical frameworks supporting abortion care and fetal research. 

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Importing Care, Faithful Service

Filipino and Indian American Nurses at a Veterans Hospital

Rutgers University Press

Drawing on rich ethnographic and survey data collected over a four-year period, Cherry’s study explores the role Catholicism plays in shaping the professional and community lives of foreign-born Filipino and Indian American nurses. Their stories provide unique insights into the often-unseen roles race, religion, and gender play in the daily lives of new immigrants employed in American healthcare. Seeing nursing as a religious calling, they care for their patients with a sense of divine purpose but must also confront the cultural tensions and disconnects between how they were raised and trained in another country and the legal separation of church and state. How they cope with and engage these tensions plays an important role in not only shaping how they see themselves as Catholic nurses, but their place in the new American story.

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Embodied Politics

Indigenous Migrant Activism, Cultural Competency, and Health Promotion in California

Rutgers University Press

Arguing for a structurally competent approach to migrant health, Embodied Politics shows how efforts to promote indigenous health may actually reinforce the same social and political economic forces, namely structural racism and neoliberalism, that are undermining the health of indigenous Oaxacans in Mexico and the United States.

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Carrying On

Another School of Thought on Pregnancy and Health

Rutgers University Press

Unlike traditional pregnancy guidebooks that offer recommendations, Carrying On investigates prenatal health norms by exploring the origin stories for issues at the center of pregnancy, ranging from morning sickness and weight gain to ultrasounds and induction. In a world of information overload, Carrying On helps expecting parents make sense of the overwhelming amount of counsel by shedding light on where it all came from: how and why did such confusing and contradictory guidance on pregnancy come to exist?

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Pink and Blue

Gender, Culture, and the Health of Children

Rutgers University Press

In modern pediatric practice, gender matters. This volume seeks to understand the dialectical relationship between gender and the medical care of children by combining a historical perspective on gender and pediatrics with analyses of current debates and controversies in pediatric practice such as pediatric transgender medicine, HPV, neonatal intensive care, and more.

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From Residency to Retirement

Physicians' Careers over a Professional Lifetime

Rutgers University Press

 From Residency to Retirement tells the stories of twenty American doctors over the last half century, which saw a period of continuous, turbulent, and transformative changes to the U.S. health care system. The cohort’s experiences are reflective of the generation of physicians who came of age as Presidents Carter and Reagan began to focus on costs and benefits of health services.

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Bodies Unbound

Gender-Specific Cancer and Biolegitimacy

Rutgers University Press

Bodies Unbound is a story about the relationship between bodies and gender. Drawing on the experiences of individuals whose bodies and gender identities don't match medical and social expectations, Piper Sledge explores how ideologies of gendered bodies shape medical care when medical professionals use their position of authority to dictate which combinations of bodies and genders are legitimate or not. 

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