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Creating Consent Culture
240 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:21 Jan 2022
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Creating Consent Culture

A Handbook for Educators

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Can you imagine a world where no one feared a violation of their boundaries? A world where everyone felt safe in their bodies and confident in asking for what they wanted? Teaching consent education is the way to achieve this vision, and this entry level book for educators helps you teach and discuss consent issues to young adults, from 10+.The fun, interactive exercises in this book focus on consent in all interactions, not just sexual ones, and explores skills that help young people to increase their relational intelligence and build positive, reciprocal relationships.

Drawing on their combined experiences of over 25 years as consent educators, the authors have seen that more respectful, generous and joyful ways of relating to one another are possible. In this vital book, they challenge common assumptions about consent and coercion, and invite educators of all walks to become instigators of a profound culture shift.
Dare we imagine a kinder world where boundaries are respected and the dominant culture is one based on consent, not coercion. Drawing on a wealth of experience Marcia Baczynski and Erica Scott offer simple, fun and engaging activities to help bring this vision about. It would be hard to find a more timely book, or one as full of inspiration, compassion and hope. Pete Wallis, Senior Practitioner in Restorative Justice with Oxfordshire Youth Justice Service
This is the best book on consent I have ever read! (and I have read a lot.) Not only do Erica and Marcia give you the principles, they give examples of how it works and what to actually say. Invaluable! Dr. Betty Martin, author of "The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent"
What a wonderful world it would be if every person attended a workshop based on these exercises! With this book, the nuances of understanding and creating consent culture feel truly accessible, inclusive, and informative, and these exercises could be life-changing for participants and facilitators alike. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to make the world a better place. Cheryl Bradshaw, author of "Real Talk About Sex and Consent: What Every Teen Needs to Know"
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