Bryan J. Dik
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Make Your Job a Calling
How the Psychology of Vocation Can Change Your Life at Work
By Bryan J. Dik and Ryan D. Duffy
Templeton Press
Regardless of where we are in our careers, we can all find joy and meaning in the work we do, from the construction zone flagger who keeps his crew safe to the corporate executive who believes that her company’s products will change the world. In Make Your Job a Calling authors Bryan J. Dik and Ryan D. Duffy explore this powerful idea and help the reader navigate the many challenges—both internal and external—that may arise along the pathway to a sense of calling at work.
- Copyright year: 2012
Redeeming Work
A Guide to Discovering God's Calling for Your Career
By Bryan J. Dik
Templeton Press
The world of work is changing rapidly. As a Christian trying to discern the right career path, you might perceive the marketplace as a bewildering and anxiety-provoking place. You might even worry you’ll have to sacrifice your values to have a successful career. How can you hope to find work that is informed by faith and that serves God’s will? Redeeming Work was written to answer just this question.
- Copyright year: 2020
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