Birds of British Columbia, Volume 3
Passerines - Flycatchers through Vireos
British Columbia has one of the richest assemblages of bird species in the world. The four volumes of The Birds of British Columbia provide unprecedented coverage of this region's birds, presenting a wealth of information on the ornithological history, habitat, breeding habits, migratory movements, seasonality, and distribution patterns of each of the 472 species of birds.
This third volume, covering the first half of the passerines, builds on the authoritative format of the previous bestselling volumes. It contains 89 species, including common ones such as swallows, jays, crows, wrens, thrushes, and starlings. The text is supported by hundreds of full-colour pictures, including unique habitat photographs, detailed distribution maps, and beautiful illustrations of the birds, their nests, eggs, and young.
The Birds of British Columbia is a complete reference work for bird-watchers, ornithologists, and naturalists who want in-depth information on the province's regularly occurring and rare birds.
The hefty hardcover tome, which covers 91 species of passerines (perching birds) is crammed with information in text, graphs, charts and full-colour photos. The third in a series of four volumes on the province's avian life, the extensively researched reference work is a book to be studied and perused and admired for its thorough treatment of bird life.
R. Wayne Campbell, Senior Research Scientist (Retired), British Columbia Wildlife Branch Director, WBT Wildlife Data Centre, Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia
Neil K. Dawe, Senior Wildlife Technician, Canadian Wildlife Service
Ian McTaggart-Cowan, Dean Emeritus (Graduate Studies), University of British Columbia
John M. Cooper, Wildlife Biologist Manning, Cooper and Associates
Gary W. Kaiser, Marine Bird Ecologist (Retired), Canadian Wildlife Service
Andrew C. Stewart, Wildlife Habitat Specialist, British Columbia Resources Inventory Branch
Michael C.E. McNall, Ornithology Collections Manager, Royal British Columbia Museum
The Bird Resource: Its National and International Significance
The Environment and Changes to Ecoprovinces of British Columbia
Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Methods, Terms, and Abbreviations
Data Sources and Limitations
Data Management and Summarization
The Raw Data
Form and Content
Species Accounts
Checklist of British Columbia Birds
Passerines: Flycatchers through Vireos
Regular Species
Tyrannidae: Tyrant Flycatchers
Alaudidae: Larks
Hirundinidae: Swallows
Corvidae: Jays, Magpies, and Crows
Paridae: Titmice
Aegithalidae: Bushtits
Sittidae: Nuthatches
Certhiidae: Creepers
Troglodytidae: Wrens
Cinclidae: Dippers
Muscicapidae: Kinglets, Bluebirds, and Thrushes
Mimidae: Catbirds, Mockingbirds, and Thrashers
Motacillidae: Wagtails and Pipits
Bombycillidae: Waxwings
Laniidae: Shrikes
Sturnidae: Starlings and Allies
Vireonidae: Vireos
Casual, Accidental, Extirpated, and Extinct Species
1 Migration Chronology
2 Summary of Official Christmas Bird Counts in British Columbia (1957 through 1993)
3 Summary of Official Breeding Bird Surveys in British Columbia (1968 through 1994)
4 Contributors
5 Structure of Data Base Files
6 Computer Programs