Showing 1-5 of 5 items.
Ella Elgar Bird Dumont
An Autobiography of a West Texas Pioneer
University of Texas Press
A woman's memoir rich with details of the frontier era in Texas.
The Evolution of a State, or, Recollections of Old Texas Days
By Noah Smithwick; Illustrated by Charles Shawl
University of Texas Press
Eyewitness to so much Texas history, Smithwick recounts his life and adventures in a simple, straightforward style, with a wry sense of humor.
Coronado's Children
Tales of Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of the Southwest
University of Texas Press
Texas has its share of legendary treasure, and Dobie records the lore of lost mines and forgotten stashes of coin.
The Prisoners of Perote
By William Preston Stapp; Introduction by Joe B. Frantz
University of Texas Press
A soldier's account of the Mier expedition.
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