Showing 121-126 of 126 items.
The Subarctic Fur Trade
Native Social and Economic Adaptations
Edited by Shepard Krech III
UBC Press
A Sarcee Grammar
By Eung-Do Cook
UBC Press
This book presents a comprehensive grammar, dealing with deals with all major areas of linguistic structure, including syntax, phonology, and morphology of Sarcee, an Athapaskan language spoken in southern Alberta.
Agrarian Class Conflict
UBC Press
The Political Mobilization of Agricultural Labourers in Kuttanad, South India
Totem Poles
An Illustrated Guide
UBC Press
This bestseling guide helps readers interpret and enjoy the form and meaning of totem poles -- as ancestral emblems and ceremonial objects, as expressions of wealth and power, as mythological symbols and magnificent artistic works of the people of the Pacific Northwest.
The Chinese in Cambodia
UBC Press
This book is the first study of the Chinese in Cambodia -- from anthropological, historical, the economic, the legal, and demographic points of view.
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