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Release Date:01 Feb 1981

Agrarian Class Conflict

UBC Press

How does rural class structure influence the political mobilizationof farm labourers? This case study documents the process in Kuttanad– a rice-producing region of India noted for its history of ruralconflict. Tharamangalam deals fully with the historical and presentbackground of agrarian relations in India, the character and conditionsof the labour force, the rise of the Communist labour unions, and thereasons for their current dilemmas. He offeres valuable insights intothe methods used by trade unions and the Communist Party to organize atthe grass roots level.

The book is enriched by the author's familiarity with the regionand the language, his own extensive fieldwork, and his use of importantprimary sources. It will provide political scientists, economists,anthropologists, and sociologists with valuable, hitherto unpublishedmaterial.

Joseph Tharamangalam is a member of the department ofsociology at Mount Saint Vincent University.

List of Tables

Preface and Acknowledgements

1 Introduction

2 Agriculture in Kuttanad

3 Agrarian Relations in Kuttanad

4 The Agricultural Labourers

5 Organization and Struggle

6 Conclusion: Agrarian Class Conflict, Trade Unionism, andDemocratic Politics




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