Aaron T. Wolf

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The Spirit of Dialogue

Lessons from Faith Traditions in Transforming Conflict

Island Press

Over more than twenty years as a mediator, Aaron T. Wolf has learned that successful conflict resolution is shaped by complicated dynamics—from how comfortable the meeting room is to the participants’ deepest senses of self. Bridging seemingly intractable issues means addressing multiple layers of needs. Wolf’s approach may be surprising to Westerners who are accustomed to separating rationality from spirituality and science from religion. The Spirit of Dialogue draws lessons from a diversity of faith traditions to transform conflict, from identifying the root cause of anger to aligning with an energy beyond oneself—what Christians call grace—to the true listening practiced by Buddhist monks. Whether atheist or fundamentalist, Muslim or Jewish, Quaker or Hindu, any reader involved in difficult dialogue will find concrete steps towards a meeting of souls.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Water in the Middle East

A Geography of Peace

University of Texas Press

Addressing water needs from a geographical perspective, the contributors to this book analyze and assess the impact of scarce water resources in the Jordan River basin countries and territories.

  • Copyright year: 2000
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Interstate Water Allocation in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia

New Issues, New Methods, New Models

University Press of Florida
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