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A Voyage to the North West Side of America
456 pages, 6 1/2 x 9
17 b&w illsutrations, 19 maps
Release Date:15 Dec 2003
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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

A Voyage to the North West Side of America

The Journals of James Colnett, 1786-89

UBC Press

James Colnett, a veteran of James Cook’s second voyage toNorth America, was an early participant in the maritime sea ottertrade. Between 1786 and 1789 his two-vessel expedition traversed theNorthwest Coast from Prince William Sound to Vancouver Island andwintered on the Hawaiian Islands. Along the way, he and his crew hadsome remarkable encounters with Native peoples of the Northwest Coastand the Hawaiian Islands: they were the first Europeans to encounterthe Tsimshian and the southern Heiltsuk peoples as well as the first toland on the southern Queen Charlotte Islands.

Colnett’s journal of this expedition is published here for thefirst time. Editor Robert Galois provides extensive annotations, alongwith an introductory essay addressing the geopolitical context of thevoyage and the intellectual background that shaped the writing of thejournal. Galois supplements Colnett’s writings with extracts froma second journal -- also previously unpublished -- by Andrew BraceyTaylor, third mate on one of the ships under Colnett’s command.Also included are illustrations from Colnett’s journals and avariety of maps, both contemporary and historical.

This fascinating and informative account offers a new understandingof the early European presence in the Northwest and of Native responsesto these developments. It will interest historians, geographers, andethnographers of the Northwest Coast and beyond.

Robert M. Galois is an adjunct professor in theDepartment of Geography at the University of British Columbia and isthe author of Kwakwaka’wakw Settlements, 1775-1920: AGeographical Analysis and Gazetteer.





James Colnett

Andrew Bracey Taylor

Origins of Colnett’s Expedition

Vessels and Personnel

Voyage of the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal

The Contact Process: The Northwest Coast and Hawaiian Islands

Aftermath and Evaluation

The Documents

A Note on the Editing

A Voyage to the North West Side of America: The Journals

Part 1: Departure and 1787 Season

[Preparations and Departure from London]

Route from England to St. Jago and Transactions there

From Cape de Verde to Staten Land

From Staten Land Round Cape Horn To the Equator

From the Equator to Nootka

Transactions at Nootka

A Description of Nootka and its Inhabitants

Transactions from Nootka to Leaving Port Brooks

From Port Brooks to Charlotte Isles and Transactions there

From Port St. James to Anchorage on the Eastern Shore

Remarks from America to Owyhee

Part 2: 1788 Season

Remarks at Owyhee and Other Sandwich Isles

Rout from Oneehow to America

Remarks from Prince William’s Sound to Foggy Harbour

Remarks from Foggy Harbour to Cape Edgcombe

Remarks from Cape Edgcombe to Leaving Charlotte Isles


1 Route of the Princess Royal in 1788

2 Gitkxaala Contact Narratives

3 Place Names on the Northwest Coast: Colnett, Duncan, andJohnstone

4 Prince of Wales and Princess Royal Personnel

5 List of Illustrations Originally Appearing in Colnett'sJournal




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