Writing Centers and Racial Justice
290 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Nov 2023
Release Date:01 Nov 2023

Writing Centers and Racial Justice

A Guidebook for Critical Praxis

Utah State University Press
Writing Centers and Racial Justice responds to renewed and invigorated interest in racial justice and antiracism across writing centers and in writing studies, providing practical ways to enact racial justice in and through the writing center. The collection builds on decades of largely theoretical work on race and racism to move everyday writing center administrators toward action.
In five thematically organized sections—Countering Racism and Colonialism in Higher Education; Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention; Tutor Education and Professional Development; Engaging with Campus and Community; and Holding Our Professional Organizations Accountable—scholars from a variety of institutions, both large and small, public and private, present critical reflection and concrete guidance on anti-racist writing center administrative policies and practices. Several chapters include sample materials, such as course syllabi, consultant education activities, and recruitment materials, to help current and aspiring writing center administrators implement changes in their own contexts.
Writing Centers and Racial Justice is the first book to offer clear and actionable advice on how writing centers and their staff can take up racial or social justice work that will result in real sustainable change. Writing center directors, professionals, and tutors, as well as administrators and decision makers at the institutional level, will benefit from this thoughtful and effective text.
A comprehensive and brilliant approach to a complex conversation.’
—Karen Keaton Jackson, North Carolina Central University
’This is exactly the type of book that writing center practitioners need. For ALL of those working and committed to the practice of tutoring and to writing center work, Writing Centers and Racial Justice is an important and central text in writing center courses and tutor training curriculum and is applicable to the writing classroom for composition instructors.’
—Anna Sicari, Oklahoma State University
Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison is director of the OU Writing Center and the Expository Writing Program and an assistant professor of writing at the University of Oklahoma. Her work has appeared in the Writing Center JournalThe Peer Review, the Journal of Multimodal Rhetoric, and the award-winning edited collection Out in the Center.
Deidre Anne Evans Garriott is director of the University Writing Center and instructor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of South Carolina. She is coeditor of Space and Place in The Hunger Games: New Readings of the Trilogy, and her work has appeared in the edited collections ePortfolios@edu and Interpreting and Experiencing Disney as well as the journal Southern Discourse in the Center.
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