Women Filmmakers
480 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jul 2003
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Release Date:01 Jul 2003

Women Filmmakers


UBC Press

What difference does it make when a woman wields the camera? Women Filmmakers: Refocusing casts a critical eye on the often-overlooked work of women filmmakers. It provides a rich sampling of the wealth of thought and experience of women in the film industry and brings together in a unique way the views of creators and critics from around the world.

Questions of history and theory, genre, creativity, funding and distribution, national and cultural identity, and class all come to the fore in this unparalled contemporary study of women's film culture.

Equally accessible to non-specialists and researchers, this book will appeal to filmmakers, film studies faculty and students, film buffs, and those with an interest in women’s studies and cultural studies.

This wide-ranging volume includes contributions from prominent filmmakers and scholars, such as Helma Sanders Brahms, Deepa Mehta, Pratibha Parmar, Margarethe von Trotta, Ann Wheeler, and E. Ann Kaplan

The three editors of Women Filmmakers: Refocusing have done a remarkable job of gathering material about the state of women’s feature and documentary filmmaking in the world outside of the United States, providing film historical background, and reminding the reader of the stakes and parameters of the feminist film theory that launched many women as filmmakers ... Women Filmmakers: Refocusing is useful for film researchers, students, and general readers as well as those working in women’s and cultural studies. The balance between academic discourse and practical experience, as well as between theory, history, and analysis, will serve all readers, as will the solid scholarly apparatus in the form of footnotes and filmographies. Robin Blaetz, University of Toronto Quarterly, Winter 2004/05
Jacqueline Levitin is a filmmaker who teaches in Women’s Studies and the School for Contemporary Arts at Simon Fraser University. Judith Plessis is Director of Language Programs and Services at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Valerie Raoul is Professor of French and Women’s Studies at UBC.
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