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What We Are, When We Are
108 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:31 Oct 2018
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What We Are, When We Are

Kaj smo, ko smo

By Cvetka Lipuš; Translated by Tom Priestly
Athabasca University Press

Series Editor: Manijeh Mannani

Manijeh Mannani is Assistant Professor of English and ComparativeLiterature.

Give us wholeness, for we are broken

But who are we asking, and why do we ask?

Phyllis Webb

National in scope, Mingling Voices draws on the work ofboth new and established novelists, short story tellers, and poets. Theseries especially, but not exclusively, aims to promote authors whochallenge traditions and cultural stereotypes. It is designed to reacha wide variety of readers, both generalists and specialists.Mingling Voices is also open to literary works that delineatethe immigrant experience in Canada.

RELATED TOPICS: Literature, Poetry

Born in Austria, Cvetka Lipuš is the author of seven collections of poetry in Slovenian. Kaj smo, ko smo(2015), for which Lipuš received the Prešeren Foundation Award, was short-listed for the Veronika Prize, the most prestigious poetry prize in Slovenia.

Tom Priestly is professor emeritus in the Department of Modern Languages and Culture Studies at the University of Alberta and the author of numerous translations including Jani Virk’s The Last Temptation of Sergiy(2016).

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