Showing 1-6 of 6 items.

Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St Lawrence

UBC Press

Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St. Lawrence provides guidance for enhancing the management of a vast and complex marine system.

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After Ice

Cold Humanities for a Warming Planet

UBC Press

After Ice asks us to consider how we define the experience of cold – its temporal, spatial, and material qualities – as cycles of freezing and thawing change across our warming planet.

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Sea Change

Charting a Sustainable Future for Oceans in Canada

UBC Press

Sea Change takes stock of what we know about Canada’s changing oceans, offering a wealth of practical information to support the task of building resilient, sustainable oceans and ocean communities.

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Protecting the Coast and Ocean

A Guide to Marine Conservation Law in British Columbia

UBC Press

Protecting the Coast and Ocean, the first comprehensive guide to marine protection law in British Columbia, analyzes and compares the legal tools available to reverse ocean decline.

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Leaky Governance

Alternative Service Delivery and the Myth of Water Utility Independence

UBC Press

Municipalities face important water supply challenges. One response has been to render utilities independent from municipal government through alternative service delivery. Both water management and municipal governance must be strengthened to meet contemporary water supply needs.

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Coping with Calamity

Environmental Change and Peasant Response in Central China, 1736-1949

UBC Press

The first environmental and socioeconomic history of the Jianghan plain in central China, focusing on the peasants’ relationship with a volatile environment.

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