UAP has won numerous awards for its publications over the years and has developed a solid list of titles in archaeology, public administration, and several areas of literature and history. With a staff of 17, the Press publishes between 80 to 85 books a year and has a backlist of approximately 1,800 titles in print.
A World Engraved
Archaeology of the Swift Creek Culture
This major summary of the current state of archaeological research on the Swift Creek culture is the first comprehensive collection ever published concerning the Swift Creek people.
- Copyright year: 1998
The Georgia and South Carolina Coastal Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore
This compilation of Clarence Bloomfield Moore's investigations along the rich coastal and river drainages of Georgia and South Carolina makes
available in a single volume valuable works published a century ago. In some cases his publications are the only documentation extant for sites that have since been destroyed.
- Copyright year: 1998
Florida's Black Public Officials, 1867-1924
This ground-breaking study reveals the magnitude and impact of African American leadership in Florida during the post-Civil War era.
- Copyright year: 1998
The Aztec Love God
- Copyright year: 1998
The Confederados
Old South Immigrants in Brazil
This collection of essays--which also includes a previously unpublished narrative by an original settler-- examines the fascinating experiences of southern Confederate exiles in Brazil and their continuing legacy.
- Copyright year: 1998
Hardaway Revisited
Early Archaic Settlement in the Southeast
A provocative reanalysis of one of the most famous Early Archaic archaeological sites in the southeastern United States
- Copyright year: 1998
The Making of Sacagawea
A Euro-American Legend
- Copyright year: 1998
Changing Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Central Mississippi Valley
Fourteen experts examine the current state of Central Valley prehistoric research and provide an important touchstone for future archaeological study of the region
- Copyright year: 1998
Snakes, Snails, and Environmental Tales
- Copyright year: 1998
McIntosh and Weatherford
Creek Indian Leaders
- Copyright year: 1998
The Face in the Window and Other Alabama Ghostlore
The first scholarly collection of ghostlore from throughout the state of Alabama
- Copyright year: 1996
Lift Every Voice
African American Oratory, 1787-1901
- Copyright year: 1997
Many Voices, Many Rooms
A New Anthology of Alabama Writers
Cahokia and the Archaeology of Power
Examines the authority a ruling elite exercised over the surrounding countryside through a complex of social, political, and religious symbolism
- Copyright year: 1997
Take It or Leave It
- Copyright year: 1976
The Confederate Navy in Europe
Originally published in 1984, The Confederate Navy in Europe is the first full account of the European activities of the Confederate navy during the American Civil War, including information on the Southerners who procured naval vessels in Great Britain and France, the construction of the ships, and the legal and political impact on the European governments that assisted in the Confederate cause.
- Copyright year: 1997
Selma, Lord, Selma
Girlhood Memories of the Civil Rights Days
This moving firsthand account puts the 1965 struggle for Civil Rights in Selma, Alabama, in very human terms.
- Copyright year: 1997
The Collected Writings of Zelda Fitzgerald
- Copyright year: 1997
Sparrow and the Hawk
Costa Rica and the United States during the Rise of Jose Figueres
- Copyright year: 1997
People, Plants, and Landscapes
Studies in Paleoethnobotany
People, Plants, and Landscapes showcases the potential of modern paleoethnobotany, an interdisciplinary field that explores the interactions between human beings and plants by examining archaeological evidence.
- Copyright year: 1997
Mythical Trickster Figures
Contours, Contexts, and Criticisms
Mimetic Disillusion
Eugene O'Neill, Tennessee Williams, and U.S. Dramatic Realism
Mimetic Disillusion reevaluates the history of modern U.S. drama, showing that at mid-century it turned in the direction of a poststructuralist "disillusionment with mimesis" or mimicry.
- Copyright year: 1997
Dreams of Development
Colombia's National School of Mines and Its Engineers, 1887-1970
Murray's analysis of a single institution makes this book valuable both to Colombianists and to other scholars interested in the development of modern Latin American higher education. It also provides unique insight into the positivistic ideals and values that have shaped Colombian and other Latin American elites and dictated the destiny of their countries.
- Copyright year: 1997
The Viola
Complete Guide for Teachers and Students
- Copyright year: 1996
Conquistador in Chains
Cabeza de Vaca and the Indians of the Americas
A life-changing adventure led Cabeza de Vaca to seek a different kind of conquest, one that would be just and humane, true to Spanish religion and law, but one that safeguarded liberty and justice for the Indians of the New World. His use of the skills learned from his experiences with the Indians of North America did not always help him in understanding and managing the Indians of South America, and too many of the Spanish settlers in the Rio de la Plata Province found that his policies threatened their own interests and relations with the Indians. Eventually many of those Spaniards joined a conspiracy that removed him from power and returned him to Spain in chains.
- Copyright year: 1996
Chick Lit 2
No Chick Vics
- Copyright year: 1996
The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast
The southeastern United States has one of the richest records of early human settlement of any area of North America. This book provides the first state-by-state summary of Paleoindian and Early Archaic research from the region, together with an appraisal of models developed to interpret the data
- Copyright year: 1996
The Moundville Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore
Clarence Bloomfield Moore
The two works reprinted in this volume represent the pinnacle of the career of one of the most remarkable American archaeologists of the early 20th century, Clarence Bloomfield Moore.
- Copyright year: 1996