Many Voices, Many Rooms
384 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:21 Nov 1997
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Many Voices, Many Rooms

A New Anthology of Alabama Writers

University of Alabama Press

This treasury of Alabama fiction showcases the rich literary heritage of the state.

Many Voices, Many Rooms: A New Anthology of Alabama Writers is a companion volume to the extremely popular Art of Fiction in the Heart of Dixie: An Anthology of Alabama Writers. The earlier work is now a classic in its own right, but no single volume can do justice to the wealth and variety of Alabama fiction.
Adding to the bounty, this new anthology contains works by important 19th- and early 20th-century writers, as well as by more familiar post-World War II and contemporary Alabama authors. Like the earlier volume, it contains works by both men and women writers, by writers of diverse racial origins, and by writers representing the various geographical regions of the state. Containing no authors included in the earlier volume, this new anthology fills in the spaces old and new in a vast field of many talented Alabama writers.
Philip D. Beidler is a Professor of English at The University of Alabama.
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