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Tribal Water Rights
304 pages, 6 x 9
2 tables
Release Date:08 Aug 2016

Tribal Water Rights

Essays in Contemporary Law, Policy, and Economics

The University of Arizona Press
The settlement of Indian water rights cases remains one of the thorniest legal issues in this country, particularly in the West. In a previous book, Negotiating Tribal Water Rights, Colby, Thorson, and Britton presented a general overview of the processes involved in settling such cases; this volume provides more in-depth treatment of the many complex issues that arise in negotiating and implementing Indian water rights settlements. Tribal Water Rights brings together practicing attorneys and leading scholars in the fields of law, economics, public policy, and conflict resolution to examine issues that continue to confront the settlement of tribal claims. With coverage ranging from the differences between surface water and groundwater disputes to the distinctive nature of Pueblo claims, and from allotment-related problems to the effects of the Endangered Species Act on water conflicts, the book presents the legal aspects of tribal water rights and negotiations along with historical perspectives on their evolution.
John E. Thorson formerly served as special master for Arizona's water adjudications and is cofounder of Dividing the Waters, a project for judges involved in western water adjudications. He now serves as an administrative law judge for the State of California. Sarah Britton, a graduate of the University of Arizona College of Law, is an attorney with the Public Defender in Sacramento. Bonnie G. Colby is Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Arizona and coauthor of Water Markets in Theory and Practice.
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