Showing 61-90 of 98 items.

Contesting White Supremacy

School Segregation, Anti-Racism, and the Making of Chinese Canadians

UBC Press

By drawing on Chinese sources and perspectives, this book offers an anti-racist history of the 1922-23 Chinese students’ strike in Victoria and Asian exclusion and racism in British Columbia.

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Storied Communities

Narratives of Contact and Arrival in Constituting Political Community

UBC Press

An exploration of the role of storytelling in community and nation building that disrupts the assumption in many works that indigenous and immigrant identities fall into two separate streams of analysis.

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Dreaming in Canadian

South Asian Youth, Bollywood, and Belonging

UBC Press

Dreaming in Canadian explores the connections between the media and identity formation among young Canadians of South Asian origin.

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Globalizing Citizenship

UBC Press

This book traces how border controls and detention practices, particularly in the post-9/11 era, are transforming citizenship into a globalizing regime to regulate mobility.

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Solidarities Beyond Borders

Transnationalizing Women's Movements

UBC Press

Case studies from North America, Latin America, and Southeast Asia explore the challenges and benefits of building transnational ties among feminists and women’s groups.

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Administering the Colonizer

Manchuria’s Russians under Chinese Rule, 1918-29

UBC Press

A revisionist history of a unique administrative experiment – the Chinese administration of Manchuria’s Russians in the 1920s – that supports a more nuanced view of Chinese nationalism and China’s relationship with minority cultures.

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Terrain of Memory

A Japanese Canadian Memorial Project

UBC Press

This book explores how Japanese Canadians living in an isolated mountainous valley in the province of British Columbia worked together to transform the village where they lived for over fifty years from a site of political violence into a space for remembrance.

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Transnational Yearnings

Tourism, Migration, and the Diasporic City

UBC Press

By exploring circuits of migration and personal exchange between Toronto and Jamaica, this book maps a new way to look at postcolonial contact zones and transnational migration.

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Colonial Proximities

Crossracial Encounters and Juridical Truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921

UBC Press

Colonial Proximities traces the encounters between aboriginal peoples, mixed-race populations, Chinese migrants, and Europeans in late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century British Columbia.

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Empires and Autonomy

Moments in the History of Globalization

UBC Press

This collaborative study explores moments in the history of globalization and autonomy to provide insights into changes overtaking the contemporary world.

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Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution

UBC Press

The essays illustrate how deeply multiculturalism is woven into the fabric of the Canadian constitution and the everyday lives of Canadians.

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Defining Harm

Religious Freedom and the Limits of the Law

UBC Press
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Voices Raised in Protest

Defending North American Citizens of Japanese Ancestry, 1942-49

UBC Press
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Guarding the Gates

The Canadian Labour Movement and Immigration, 1872-1934

UBC Press

A pioneering study of Canadian labour leaders’ approach to immigration from the 1870s to the Great Depression.

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Organizing the Transnational

Labour, Politics, and Social Change

UBC Press

This collection articulates a multi-level cultural politics of transnationalism to frame contemporary analyses of immigration and diasporas.

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Towns within Cities in Canada

UBC Press

From instant Chinatowns in gold- and coal-mining communities to new Chinatowns which have sprung up in city neighbourhoods and suburbs since World War II, this is definitive history of Chinatowns in Canada.

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The Triumph of Citizenship

The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67

UBC Press

This final volume to Patricia E. Roy's pivotal trilogy exploring racial discrimination against Chinese- and Japanese-Canadians examines the removal of all Japanese-Canadians from the BC coast during WWII, while Chinese-Canadians gained the right to vote in 1947.

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Multiculturalism and the Foundations of Meaningful Life

Reconciling Automony, Identity, and Community

UBC Press

Theories of liberal multiculturalism seek to reconcile cultural rights with universal liberal principles. Some focus on individual autonomy; others emphasize communal identity. Andrew Robinson argues that liberal multiculturalism can be justified without privileging either ...

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Voices Rising

Asian Canadian Cultural Activism

UBC Press

Examines Asian Canadian political and cultural activism around community building, identity making, racial equity, and social justice.

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Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada

UBC Press

This is the first collection in Canada to provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of transnationalism.

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Diversity and Equality

The Changing Framework of Freedom in Canada

UBC Press

Critically examines the challenge of protecting rights in diverse societies.

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Development's Displacements

Economies, Ecologies, and Cultures at Risk

UBC Press
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Race and the City

Chinese Canadian and Chinese American Political Mobilization

UBC Press

Presents an elegant analysis of the mechanisms of political mobilization under systemic racism that draws on case studies, interviews, and a detailed understanding of the racialized legal and sociocultural histories of the United States and Canada.

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A History of Migration from Germany to Canada, 1850-1939

UBC Press

Considers why Germans left their home country, why they chose to settle in Canada, who assisted their passage, and how they crossed the ocean to their new home, as well as how the Canadian government perceived and solicited them as immigrants.

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Law and Citizenship

UBC Press

The essays this volume provide a framework for analyzing citizenship in an increasingly globalized world by addressing a number of fundamental questions.

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Sanctuary, Sovereignty, Sacrifice

Canadian Sanctuary Incidents, Power, and Law

UBC Press

Facing immediate deportation, a lone Guatemalan migrant entered sanctuary in a Montreal church in December 1983. Thus began the practice of sanctuary in Canada.

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Multicultural Nationalism

Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community

UBC Press

Canada's national question is self-defeating: attempts to constitute a Canadian political community generate polarizing and depoliticizing deliberations.

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Cross-Cultural Caring, 2nd ed.

A Handbook for Health Professionals

UBC Press

This new edition provides up-to-date statistics and fresh analysis of changing trends in immigration, describes ethno-cultural community, discussing such issues as childbirth, mental illness, dental care, hospitalization, and death, as well as home country culture, common reasons for emigrating, and challenges in adjusting to a new culture.

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Securing Borders

Detention and Deportation in Canada

UBC Press

A close look at the laws, policies, and practices of detention and deportation in Canada since the Second World War.

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