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Development's Displacements
288 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/4
Release Date:01 Jul 2007
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Release Date:01 Jul 2007

Development's Displacements

Economies, Ecologies, and Cultures at Risk

UBC Press

As multilateral agencies, social movements, and state authoritiesworldwide struggle to cope with the effects of large-scale developmentprojects, such as dam building, mining, oil extraction, forestplantations, and nature conservation, the problem of displacementremains unresolved. The crisis of “development refugees” --those forced to relocate not by wars or political conflicts but ratherbecause of development policies, programs, and projects – isbecoming increasingly prevalent across the globe.

While existing studies on development-induced displacement havefocused on issues such as resettlement and compensation for thosedisplaced, this volume seeks to address displacement as a broad andmultilayered phenomenon. A series of illustrative case studies drawnfrom around the globe provide causal accounts of why and howdisplacement occurs, what its effects on communities, ecosystems, andeconomies look like, and the normative or ethical positions held by keyactors involved. Contributors offer economic, political, and culturalanalyses, as well as extensive ethnographic field research, to presenta picture of displacement that illustrates the depth and the breadth ofthe issue.

Peter Vandergeest is an associate professor ofsociology and director of the York Centre for Asian Research at YorkUniversity. Pablo Idahosa is an associate professor insocial sciences and coordinator of the African Studies Programat York University. Pablo S. Bose is aHenderson and SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Vermontand a research associate with the Centre for Refugee Studies at YorkUniversity.


1. Introduction / Peter Vandergeest, Pablo Idahosa, and Pablo S.Bose

Part 1: Displacement, Multinationals, and theState

2. Who Defines Displacement? The Operation of the World BankInvoluntary Resettlement Policy in a Large Mining Project / DavidSzablowski

3. Gendered Implications: Development-Induced Displacement in Sudan/ Amani El-Jack

4. Uprooting Communities and Reconfiguring Rural Landscapes:Industrial Tree Plantations and Displacement in Sarawak, Malaysia, andEastern Thailand / Keith Barney

Part 2: Displacement and Neoliberalism

5. Enforcement and/or Empowerment? Different Displacements Inducedby Neoliberal Water Policies in Thailand / Michelle Kooy

6. Displacements in Neoliberal Land Reforms: Producing Tenure(In)Securities in Laos and Thailand / Peter Vandergeest

7. Contested Territories: Development, Displacement, and SocialMovements in Colombia / Sheila Gruner

8. Dams, Development, and Displacement: The Narmada ValleyDevelopment Projects / Pablo S. Bose

Part 3: Conservation and Displacement

9. Upon Whose terms? The Displacement of Afro-Descendent Communitiesin the Creation of Costa Rica's National Parks / ColetteMurray

10. Entanglements: Campesino and Indigenous Tenure Insecurities onthe Honduran North Coast / Sharlene Mollett

11. Conclusion / Pablo Idahosa, Peter Vandergeest, and Pablo S.Bose



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