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384 pages, 6 x 9
32 color photos, 9 maps, 2 tables
Release Date:03 Oct 2012

Tibet Wild

A Naturalist’s Journey on the Roof of the World

Island Press
Tibet Wild follows Dr. Schaller’s expeditions to theTibetan Plateau from 1984 until the present day. Dr. Schaller’sexploration of different aspects of the wildlife and culture of theregion show how the growth of permanent houses, roads, fences, andother structures on the Tibetan Plateau is impacting wildlife and humancommunities. Woven through each chapter is the idea that education aswell as partnerships between government, religious groups, andconservation organizations are the best hope for protecting uniquewildlife and landscapes into the future. The book includes an insidelook at Schaller’s current and possibly most ambitious project:the creation of the Pamir International Peace Park at the junction ofAfghanistan, Pakistan, China, and Tajikistan.

Over the course of his 50-year career, Dr. George B.Schaller has become known as one of the founding fathers ofwildlife conservation. He has led seminal studies on, and helpedprotect, some of the planet’s most endangered and iconic animalsranging from the mountain gorilla in present Democratic Republic of theCongo, snow leopards in Mongolia, giant pandas in China, tigers inIndia, and wild sheep and goats of the Himalaya. These animals havebeen the basis for his scientific and popular writings, including 16books, among them The Year of the Gorilla, The Last Panda, andTibet’s Hidden Wilderness. He won a National Book Awardin 1973 for The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-PreyRelations.

Dr. Schaller currently serves as the Vice President of Panthera andis a Senior Conservationist with the Wildlife Conservation Society. Incollaboration with Chinese and Tibetan scientists, Dr. Schaller hasworked for nearly two decades studying and developing conservationinitiatives for the snow leopard, Tibetan antelope, and wild yak, amongother species. His most recent conservation projects have been based inLaos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Iran and Tajikistan.

Over the years, he has accrued a variety of international wildlifeconservation awards, including the Tyler Prize for EnvironmentalAchievement, Japan’s International Cosmos Prize, the ChinaEnvironmental Prize, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from theNational Geographic Society’s Adventure magazine.

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