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Through Feminist Eyes
400 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 May 2011

Through Feminist Eyes

Essays on Canadian Women’s History

Athabasca University Press
Through Feminist Eyes gathers in one volume the most incisiveand insightful essays written to date by the distinguished Canadianhistorian Joan Sangster. To the original essays, Sangster has addedextensive introductory discussions that situate her earlier work in thecontext of developing theory and debate. Sangster has also supplied anintroduction to the collection in which she reflects on the themes andtheoretical orientations that have shaped the writing of women'shistory over the past thirty years. Approaching her subject matter froman array of interpretive frameworks that engage questions of gender,class, colonialism, politics, and labour, Sangster explores the livedexperience of women in a variety of specific historical settings. In sodoing, she sheds new light on issues that have sparked much debateamong feminist historians and offers a thoughtful overview of theevolution of women's history in Canada.
This is a passionate book by an author who has something to say and for whom history matters. June Hannam, University of the West of England
Joan Sangster’s work has always been ground-breaking, continually providing new perspectives on issues of women, gender, class, and race in diverse settings ... Through Feminist Eyes makes an important theoretical contribution to the field by gathering together some of Sangster’s key essays for the first time and offering her thoughtful commentary on her own intellectual trajectory. Sarah Carter, University of Alberta
Sangster raises questions about assumptions and norms that have shaped feminist historiography, making this a provocative and eloquent testimony about the importance of scrutinizing evidence and perspectives. Laurie Mercier, Washington State University
Joan Sangster is professor of women's studies andhistory at Trent University, where she also teaches at the Frost Centrefor Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies. Her many publicationsinclude Transforming Labour: Women and Work in Postwar Canadaand Girl Trouble: Female Delinquency in English Canada.



Reflections on Thirty Years of Women’s History

Discovering Women’s History

The 1907 Bell Telephone Strike

Organizing Women Workers

Looking Backwards

Re-assessing Women on the Canadian Left

The Communist Party and the Woman Question, 1922–1929

Manufacturing Consent in Peterborough

The Softball Solution

Female Workers, Male Managers, and the Operation of Paternalism atWestclox, 1923–1960

Pardon Tales’ from Magistrate’sCourt

Women, Crime, and the Court in Peterborough County,1920–1950

Telling Our Stories

Feminist Debates and the Use of Oral History

Foucault, Feminism, and Postcolonialism

Girls in Conflict with the Law

Exploring the Construction of Female ‘Delinquency’ inOntario, 1940–1960

Criminalizing the Colonized

Ontario Native Women Confront the Criminal Justice System,1920–1960

Constructing the ‘Eskimo’ Wife

White Women’s Travel Writing, Colonialism, and the CanadianNorth, 1940–1960

Embodied Experience

Words of Experience/Experiencing Words

Reading Working Women’s Letters to Canada’s RoyalCommission on the Status of Women

Making a Fur Coat

Women, the Labouring Body, and Working-class History

Publications by Joan Sangster

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