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Thinking Poetics
320 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:20 Sep 2009
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Thinking Poetics

Essays on George Oppen

Edited by Steve Shoemaker
University of Alabama Press
A long overdue collection of critical writing on Oppen's substantial legacy.

George Oppen, a crucial figure in the founding of the Objectivist poetry movement, is considered by many critics and poets to be one of the foremost innovators of 20th-century American poetry. Oppen's Of Being Numerous won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1969, and his influence on subsequent generations of poets has been profound.

The contributors to this unique collection of essays are both poets and critics who adopt a variety of critical stances. Some write as fellow poets who knew Oppen well during his lifetime and who have been deeply influenced by his example in their own work. Others write as poet-critics affiliated with the Language Poetry movement and bring to Oppen's work a keen appreciation for its relevance to contemporary avant-garde poetics. Still others come to Oppen as members of a younger generation of readers and writers working to articulate a new stage in Oppen's reception. The result is a rich and productive critical dialogue, touching on many of the most significant facets of Oppen's life and work. Thinking Poetics is a testament to Oppen's place in 20th and 21st-century poetic culture and an essential volume for anyone interested in Oppen's life or poetry.

Steve Shoemaker is Assistant Professor of English and Director of the Roth Writing Center at Connecticut College.

Contributors: Charles Bernstein \ Michael Davidson \ Rachel Blau DuPlessis \ Theodore Enslin \ Forrest Gander \ Lyn Hejinian \ Michael Heller \ John Lowney \ Peter Nicholls \ Kristin Prevallet \ Steve Shoemaker \ Ron Silliman \ John Taggart \ Susan Thackrey \ Henry Weinfield
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