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The Writing Studio Sampler
Stories about Change
Sally Chandler taught writing at Kean University from 2003 to 2015. Throughout her career, she studied how sharing and reflecting on personal experience—in talk and in writing—open up what we know about ourselves, each other, and the way the world works. This interest has made her a devoted practitioner of collaborative, reflective methods—both in their teaching and in her research. Her first book, New Literacy Narratives from an Urban University: Analyzing Stories about Reading, Writing, and Changing Technologies, is a collection of essays, co-authored with five Kean University students. Student authors narrate, analyze, and interpret their (very different) stories about how they changed and grew in response to the increasing presence of digital communication technologies and the internet. While at Kean, she set up and administered the University's writing center, developed a Writing Studio for the Exceptional Educational Opportunities Summer Academy, a program for educationally and economically disadvantaged freshman, and, with Mark Sutton, helped to create and administer the University's Master of Arts program for teaching writing.