The World's Water, Volume 8
The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Island Press
Produced biennially, The World's Water is the mostcomprehensive and up-to-to date source of information and analysis onfreshwater resources. Each new volume examines critical global trendsand offers the best data available on a variety of topics related towater. Volume 8 features chapters on hydraulic fracturing (fracking),water footprints, sustainable water jobs, and desalination financing,among other timely issues. Water briefs provide concise updates ontopics including the Dead-Sea and the role of water in the Syrianconflict.
Peter H. Gleick is an internationally recognized waterexpert and was named a MacArthur Fellow in October 2003 for his work.In 2001, Gleick was dubbed a "visionary on the environment"by the British Broadcasting Corporation. In 1999, Gleick was elected anAcademician of the International Water Academy, in Oslo, Norway and in2006, he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, Washington,D.C.