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The Woman Who Married a Bear
80 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Mar 2016

The Woman Who Married a Bear


University of New Mexico Press

Winner of the Kenyon Review Earthworks Prize for Indigenous Poetry, Tiffany Midge deftly weaves Plains Indian myths into the present day and seeks to define love, the nature of desire, and identity in the twenty-first century. The book includes a series of poems, each titled "Considering Wakantanka," that connect the themes throughout the book. The Woman Who Married a Bear showcases the wholly individual voice of a talented poet.

In this ranging, courageous collection, Tiffany Midge draws us deep into the world of her people, the Plains Indians, with a contemporary acuity that transcends both history and time.'
--Kenyon Review
The Woman Who Married a Bear is a book that works both with and against our expectations. . . . These poems quietly but profoundly call us to listen and observe.'
--Fourth & Sycamore
Here, in a gorgeous unraveling of image and musicality, poems transform before our very eyes from song to wit to myth to prayer.'
--Lee Ann Roripaugh, author of On the Cusp of a Dangerous Year

Tiffany Midge is also the author of Outlaws, Renegades and Saints: Diary of a Mixed-Up Halfbreed. Her poetry has been widely published. She is an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and grew up in the Pacific Northwest.

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